Re: close ISSUE-40: A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture

hi all,

... --- ... (save our skos)

as you know, we have set up a poolparty demo server [1] to which one can log on using webID.
this server can be used to easily create a skos thesaurus.
i could add all members of webID#we [2] to the user database to grant them access and
support every single one in creating concepts.

i'm convinced from the bottom of my heart that creating a thesaurus is always an extremly good idea.
keep in mind : you all know the terms and conditions relating to the webID topic, but many who
are in decision-position or simply interested do not, a thesaurus would certainly help.

besides that i would consider creating and publishing a thesaurus simply a matter of principle and good linked manners...

some words on the possible settings for a thesaurus created with poolparty :
1. every baseURL can be used to create linked data (i.e.:
2. concept URIs are following this pattern : {baseURL}/{projectName}/{prefLabel}
   some samples of concept uris that are possible:
   the sub-domain should be point to our server so the concepts are really linked.
   anyway the thesaurus could also be exported on a regular basis and hosted elsewhere.
3. with poolparty there's the possibility to link the concept to other resources using lookups.
   (of interest would be besides standard lookups like dbpedia, sindice, freebase and LCSH for example
    an experimental google-patent lookup or an epo (european patent office) [3] lookup.

there are then a couple of possibilities to fill the thesaurus :

1. one of members of [2] gets the task and gets an introduction to use poolparty from me
2. there's a community effort, we then could do a telco where everybody is informed how to use the thesaurus
3. i could also personally do it, in case others don't want or don't have the time to (i'd be happy to do so).

meanwhile you can find an example of a webID-thesaurus-sample i did, when setting up the server here [4]

please note that there are of course many other ways to create a thesaurus and this is only a suggestion.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry Story" <>
To: "WebID Incubator Group WG" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:40:54 AM
Subject: close  ISSUE-40: A glossary of the preferred terms used for talking about the WebId architecture

It turns out that not much has happened in this respect on the  wiki here:

There is a terminology section in the spec in any case

Are there terms that need to be added to the spec?


Social Web Architect

| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
| Software Developer
| Semantic Web Company GmbH
| Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
| A - 1070 Wien, Austria
| Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22


| web   :
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| skype : jakobitsch-punkt

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 07:46:20 UTC