WebID Test Suite


I have created a little WebID test suite. It's based on JUnit and apache
HttpClient. To test your own webid implementation you have to create an
endpoint which outputs all valid agents comma seperated. In the
default.properties file you have to change the endpoint to your own url,
the endpoint certificate to your own certificate in pem format. The
publish base url and path must point to a folder which is accessable via
your local file system and http. I'm using a local apache with a hacked
hosts file. Currently the following tests are included:
	- Default (single entry in subjectAtlNames)
	- MissingRdf (404 http error)
	- MultipleIDs (two entries in subjectAltNames)
	- WrongModulus (wrong modulus in rdf)
	- WrongPublicExponent (wrong public exponent in rdf)



the bergi

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 08:07:22 UTC