Re: WebID and browsers

László Török wrote:
> Hi,
> I think someone mentioned the importance of the mobile space in the last
> call. ( Google: "mobile first" ) The most straightforward are the mobile
> browser, but if the client certs are available in some local certificate
> store (analogous to Gnome keyring) that it could be an ideal for 1000s of
> mobiles apps. I have certainly at least 20 different apps that require
> authentication, I have never managed to remember all the passwords, so I
> just have them remembered by the app.

yes, mobile devices such as android based and iphone (android has 
SDK/Java access to the store, iphone stores them in an sqlite db iirc)

> Is this sg that could go into the use case section of the deliverables?

definitely, major use case.

Received on Monday, 31 January 2011 13:55:46 UTC