Re: Another Translator for RDF

Yes. Then the market begins, and products get made. Folks get employed, and a few milionaries get made. I don't care my boss as verisign made a billion dollars. He also made 500 millionaires. The anti capitalist bent of webid does no one any favors.

One feature that never worked on the net was client Certs. The feature was not even in nt4 (they just didnt do it...)

This is the second coming, trying to fit with the web this time. U can use XML/dsig rather than asn1, for all it matters - as in the signed Xrd world.

What I did last month was go back in time and look at how windows 2000 was supposed to work, with Certs and ctls. One can dig and see this in what is left of the original Microsoft/Cisco partnership in secure telephony (before they fell out). I got to see the architecture for 30k devices in 1000 sites enrolling with Certs, using ctls tied to routes and routing zones, and post-telco (ie voip-centric) trust networking for h323 & sip phones (pure peer/peer).

It's all recast in Linux terms now (it's taken 10 years for linux to catch up with windows 2000). But you can see (since customers demand the windows phone switches still work) the parity. While client certs really all fell out of the core in windows (during the second dark age of x500 after 2001) one can see how it all was intended to scale and work, etc.

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On Dec 30, 2011, at 10:57 AM, "Kingsley Idehen" <> wrote:

> On 12/30/11 6:48 AM, Mo McRoberts wrote:
>> It's a neat trick, but I can think of a couple of awkward reasons why you might not want to rely on the behaviour. Tends to be easier to use the translator to generate the format you want and the republish it with conneg switched on!
> Trouble is that you have to control the server to do content negotiation and explicit de-reference etc.. When you have # URIs you can leverage implicit de-reference.
> #this has its roots in OO land re. sense of self.
> Peter is trying to test achieving all of this without HTTP server ownership (which is required for content negotiation and re-write rules). He uses GoodRelations as a reference since this effort was one of the first to showcase virtues of RDFa + # URIs as a mechanism for exploiting Linked Data modulo requirement to control the HTTP Server.
> The biggest problem on the Web is that users have data spaces, but don't control the servers associated with those data spaces. Thus, to really bootstrap Linked Data there has to be a simpler route to indirection exploitation modulo access and control over a Web Server.
> Peter, is basically, attempting the very same things for WebID that Martin Hepp achieved with GoodRelations. Showcase how its all works in the very simplest form possible (at InterWeb scale) modulo any biases re. platforms and best practices.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen    
> Founder&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
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Received on Friday, 30 December 2011 20:30:41 UTC