Re: Normative vs Informative

On 16 Dec 2011, at 14:53, elf Pavlik wrote:

> Hi Folks =)
> What a intense thread, please check out this very short video first:


> Excerpts from Kingsley Idehen's message of 2011-11-27 23:03:40 +0000:
> <snip /> 
>> I have a simple question for you: who are these massive adopters and 
>> implementers of RDF/XML? Who are these people sitting on the side 
>> waiting to implement a spec that RDF/XML specific? What is there to gain 
>> by all of this? Parser developer satisfaction? If so, who are these 
>> parser developers?
> I've just looked at:
> What do you think about making an open pool on all those formats and inviting all the implementers and others who have code in development to express their preferences? I've started list here:

I agree. The idea is to work from what is working with all of us, and see what implementers want to communicate. We can change what is a MUST as things progress, add new formats, remove others, until at some point it does not become that important anymore. At first these MUSTs are really just there so that people who don't come from semweb spaces, don't get too big a shock. 

As for RDF/XML vs Turtle for example it's really a question how the linked data community feels. If they feel it's time to move
then we could make that move.

> Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha ;)

You have it right. These MUSTs are there as a clever joke :D

Ho Ho Ha Ha !


> ~ elf Pavlik ~
> -- 
> (living strictly moneyless already for over 2 years)

Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 16 December 2011 14:37:56 UTC