faculty and webid. find an economic upswing that makes up for the loss of control.

The editors probably just confused the removal of affiliation, with my
request. Would not view it as malice; just incompetence (as usual).


On the wider topic, represented by the sensitivity of these affiliation
questions ,we are living webid - right now - by considering these very

Ive worked with the US Shibolleth group and watched the UK folk who arranged
for openid pilots to fail in UK academia, being ultra-convinced that websso
for students MUST be "properly assured" by the university process. When
accessing the university library, its just vital to them that the student is
properly enrolled (universities are a business not a public service, in the
US remember). If a student was to login using their Google websso
credential, this would not satisfy the faculty POLICIES (as it makes account
sharing so much easier, harder to account for and chargeback the library
services, and its generally now much harder for the Dean to enforce
governance policies on the student, while promoting faculty values, say).
The university cannot CYA, and can maintain evidence that it was not
neglectful, in personal privacy rules, say.

But the university case is interesting. If faculty cannot adapt to social
networking websso (and even more liberal webid), no other business/industry
will, either. In realty, we have the same problem, as faculty. I could
easily accept google websso - except that it makes account cheating easier,
and harder to enforce. The user convenience is obvious, but I have now 5
people whining at me at *their* loss of control, in the value chain. They
are feeling dis-intermediated (and being made value-less). I have to
undersatnd this, and have convincing counter-arguments. Otherwise, no go.

These are part of the realities of security, once one gets past the
technology (which is really easy, at this point). Server cert adoption had
all the same issues, till we found a magic social formula (based on certain
social innovations discovered while addressing the need for encryption in
the multi billion dollar American/Russian porn business  and then
controlling porn access by age, etc). We have to find the same formula, now,
for client certs. Hopefully, it will something different to just yet more
web porn.

Never forget, the technology is easy. Even I can do it (with a little help
from windows). What I have yet to do... is find an adoption formula that I
find credible and viable. It's a political problem, since the core
proposition on identity is changing value points and who gets to enforce the
control policies on identity and accreditation. There have to be more social
winners than losers, given these realities; otherwise gridlock ensures
nothing happens, to preserve the status quo.

-----Original Message-----
From: public-xg-webid-request@w3.org [mailto:public-xg-webid-request@w3.org]
On Behalf Of Dominik Tomaszuk
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:31 AM
To: Henry Story
Cc: Jeff Sayre; WebID Incubator Group WG
Subject: Re: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity

On 27.04.2011 18:30, Henry Story wrote:
> Is your home page still not up on here?
> http://ii.uwb.edu.pl/
I do not know, why you permanently delete my name or the university?
My homepage is http://ii.uwb.edu.pl/~dtomaszuk/ Today server of my
university is broaken. I think it should work in a few hours.
Why you delete my affiliations?? (University of Bialystok, Institute of
Computer Science) Please restore it. It is very important!
BTW, my job email is dtomaszuk@ii.uwb.edu.pl


Dominik Tomaszuk

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 19:35:11 UTC