Berkman Center work on internet

I am told WebID would interest the Berkman Center. I won't have enough time
to write a proposal there for them. But perhaps someone here will.

Jan Suhr wrote:

> Hi Henry, the Berkman Center is requesting for proposals to improve the
> Internet. I think Web ID would be a promising candidate. AFAIK the dead
> line is extended to 25th April. See below.
> *Sent: *Tuesday, April 5, 2011 3:50:03 PM
> *Subject: *[i4bi] Harvard/Stanford Call for Ideas for a Better Internet,
> Submission Deadline 4/15
> The Berkman Center at Harvard University and Stanford Law School are
> pleased to announce a new initiative in which we invite the world to
> submit their 'Ideas for a Better Internet.' We are seeking out brief
> proposals from anyone with ideas as to how to improve the Internet.
> Students at Harvard and Stanford will work through early next year to
> implement the ideas selected. Interested parties should submit their
> ideas at by Friday, April 15. Please spread the
> word far and wide, and follow us on Twitter at

Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 22 April 2011 13:15:40 UTC