Re: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity

On 4/20/11 6:07 PM, peter williams wrote:
> But the competition is making the same point. Validly. WE all know identity
> is worth solving. It's a billion dollar industry ... already!
> Now show class, and set up a negotiation space. Ensure folks a space of
> alternatives is laid out, and you can fit in with others when the mediating
> comes. One has to know: on what topics one can give.
> In the US, folks rarely study philosophy. They almost always study politics
> cum philosophy, so it fits the nature of a society which is typically brash
> and uncouth - but rather good nonetheless at finding compromises for huge
> social problems).

Yes, I am agreeing with you :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Kingsley Idehen
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 2:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity
> On 4/20/11 4:24 PM, Henry Story wrote:
>> Ok the latest version of the paper for the W3C Browser workshop has been
> put up here:
>> It should be an easy and clear read, and essentially make the point to the
> browser vendors that they need very little effort to make a big difference
> and solve a big problem.
>> Henry
>> Social Web Architect
> Henry,
> Very nice!
> Observations re. diagram:
> 1. step #2 is missing arrow (inbound) from "resource server" to Bob's
> browser is missing re. authentication challenge 2. step #3 is missing arrow
> (outbound) indicating what happens after "OK" button is clicked.
> Re. OpenID, accentuating OpenID+WebID will help i.e., implying that OpenID
> implementers benefit immediately from WebID. It's less politically thorny
> than implying OpenID is inadequate (even though we know it is etc..).



Kingsley Idehen	
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 22:16:32 UTC