Re: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity

I read it.

I have no idea what changes are required in my browser (a variant of ie, rendered in a windows form) to enable better webid support. I know all about webid, identity mgt, and the better world to come.

 Folks should be aware that in the windows world, ie is also a component - allowing folks (like me) making classical windows clients (doing soap and cloud rest) to build-your-own-browser -where ie does 80% of the work, and custom providers and event handlers (and surrounding ui designed by me) does the rest. Our browsers showing HTML and linking have no buttons, no frame ... By default, unlike  the ie packaged by Microsoft  and profiled to behave rather like Mozilla. Our ie has different roots, different thus, that and the other.

If I don't get it, nor will the main browser vendor. I don't know what 5 things to change to enable this group.

On Apr 19, 2011, at 3:03 PM, "Jeff Sayre" <> wrote:

> The submission deadline for position papers for the W3C Workshop on
> Identity has been pushed back to next Wednesday, April 27 (it was this
> Friday, the 22). This is good.
> For those that are interested, please take the time to read through it
> before our next WebID IG telecon this coming Monday. We can discuss it
> then and approve it before it is officially submitted.
> It is still a draft. Henry and I will be working on it tomorrow, trying to
> finish it up. So, I would suggest waiting until the end of this week to
> take a look. I'll try to remember to send out an email when it is ready to
> review. Of course, please feel free to join in before then!
> Jeff
>> Here is the link for the Google Doc's Draft WebID Position Paper for W3C
>> Workshop on Identity. It is just the beginning of what will become a more
>> meaningful document. As I will not be able to make it to next Monday's
>> meeting, I plan on putting as much time as possible this week into the
>> position paper.
>> Jeff

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 23:11:52 UTC