Re: self-signed

Attached is a working certificate for Hans' WebID.

FYI, I resigned without the critical extensions using the following procedure:

# decode
openssl pkcs12 -in HannesElmert.p12 -nodes > HannesElmert.pem
# extract key
openssl rsa -in HannesElmert.pem > hans.key
# setup extensions
echo -e 'basicConstraints=CA:FALSE\nsubjectAltName="URI:"'
> hans.ext
# resign
openssl x509 -signkey hans.key -in HannesElmert.pem -clrext -extfile
hans.ext > hans.cer
# pack
cat hans.key hans.cer > hans.pem
# export
openssl pkcs12 -export -in hans.pem -nodes > hans.p12

Joe Presbrey

Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 10:13:33 UTC