opera feature request (really easy!)

I really like opera unite. It allows me to put a file.rdf on my desktop and,
while the browser is running, the resource exists on the web for anyone to
access. This includes my self-hosted foaf profile, edited using notepad!


Could we just add the mime type application/rdf+xml (file .rdf) to the


I add that mapping by hand, using the download prefs tabs; but adding it by
default would make webid so much easier to deploy. Then, its trivial to
email someone an .rdf attachment, that they saved to a desktop, that is now
on the web.. with the right headers, due to opera unite embedded webserver
doing its normal thing!



Since I did this, copying the rdf+xml content from http://foaf.me/peter34#me
to http://home.homepw2.operaunite.com/webserver/content/index.rdf, I've got
to figure why uriburner's "webid query" works for the former to enumerate
the pubkeys, but not the latter resource. It's the same content, all using
relative stems!

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 04:38:39 UTC