Binary WebID Profiles

> On 4/12/11 1:00 PM, peter williams wrote:
>> Yes, it's time for a restful web service (supported by https client authn and SSL session management) that takes a base64 encode cert as input, and returns YES/NO
> Yes.

How do you make multiple PEM's in that file possible (so someone can have multiple files) 
What is the mime type one should use?
How does one link to another file? (after all it's the hyperdata we are after)

Those are not questions meant to put a stop to this exploration. Just it would be good to come up with some ideas there.

Perhaps you can write a small proposal on how to do this.

>> The input parser should assume the worst: strange CRLF or LR or CR, random header text, variable number of dashes, missing final EOL, UTF header bytes, web friendly char sets or ascii - so as to deal with the realty of "PEM encoding"
> Yes.
>> Another variant would take a cert sha1 fingerprint, rather than the cert.
> Yes.

Again what format?

> Scheduled :-)

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 17:22:02 UTC