Re: WebID Test Suite

Am 04.04.2011 07:52, schrieb Dominik Tomaszuk:
> On 04.04.2011 00:39, bergi wrote:
>> I changed the vocabulary [1] according you proposal, except the
>> parseType literal. To make the result realy machine readable the values
>> should be predefined. But now the values are little bit more generic.
>> Anyway, the human readable message should be stored in a dublin core
>> description.
>> If you want an example, just have a look at my php endpoint demo [2].
>> The current version already uses the rdf output (including dublin core
>> description properties).
> UUID is not very good idea for rdf:nodeID. It can be starded with digit
> so it is not walid XML QName. I do not know why there is
> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> in [2].
> Regards,
> Dominik "domel" Tomaszuk
> [2]

You are right, I already had a prefix for my UUID. Now I remember why I
put it there. The prefix is now again there.

There was an error in my AuthenticationTestResultBuilder class, which
builds the triples for the RDF. This problem is also solved.

In the latest version my endpoint [1] also has RDFa output. For the
output I'm using my little PHP Smarty extension which I presented in an
other post [2].


Received on Sunday, 10 April 2011 19:32:07 UTC