Re: Project and WebID

On 9 April 2011 18:41, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:
> On 4/9/11 12:31 PM, Jeff Sayre wrote:
>> I just discovered this very interesting new FLOSS project (about three
>> months old) self-described as an "open web standard for decentralizing
>> user data. On the unhosted web, data is stored per-user, under the user's
>> control." They are in essence offering a solution that will decouple the
>> application layer from the data storage layer with a goal of helping to
>> usher in a truly federated Social Web.
>> Their approach uses WebFinger, OAuth, WebDAV, and a few more protocols to
>> bring this vision to fruition. As WebID fits squarely within their vision,
>> we should liaise with this project, possibly inviting one of their team
>> members to join our IG.
>> You can learn more about's vision
>> here:
>> They also just published their Unhosted WebDAV Standard:
>> Perhaps this has been shared before, but I did not want to go through all
>> the old messages to find out!
>> Jeff
> Jeff,
> Yes, really relevant. I've made initial contact via Twitter and cc'd in
> their mailing list.
> Methinks great opportunity for fusion via WebID+Finger approach which I
> already have working re. ODS, ditto WebID+FingerPoint .

Looks like a cool project.  I've subscribed to the list.

I think the following design issue from timbl on cloud storage is relevant:

> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> President&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Web:
> Weblog:
> Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Saturday, 9 April 2011 16:48:01 UTC