RE: HOWTO for serving a WebID using Apache's .htaccess file.

I note your site uses the cacert server cert (that Mozilla Foundation
refuses to trust.

Can you make a variant of the service in which one does a GET of the form:
and it outputs the RDFa.

My webid validator could then use the URI (above) as the FROM clause of the
query I give to uriburner. We can see what happens.

OF course, this means Im relying on your service to ajudge whether
server cert is good or not (since its expired).  I also rely on uriburner,
to judge whether or not it accepts your cacert-issued server cert.

Now, we are starting to build an ecosystem of related services - some which
translate formats, some which validated webids, some which assert reliance
models on server certs, some which check expiry dates (or not)...

We can start to get passed the trivial X.509 cert and https use cases, that
folks delivered in 20 products, globally, a decade ago.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of bergi
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:12 PM
To: Henry Story;;
Subject: Re: HOWTO for serving a WebID using Apache's .htaccess file.

I have created a .htaccess file according to this howto. Now I was looking
for a nice and generic way to create the RDFa output. Finally here is my
solution: "lightweight RDF query" [1]. If you want to see a live demo, just
have a look at my webid [2].


Am 05.04.2011 09:10, schrieb Henry Story:
> On 4 Apr 2011, at 11:10, Andrei Sambra wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I wrote a quick howto[1] on publishing a WebID, while taking into 
>> account the possibility of serving different files depending on the 
>> type of request, (i.e. file.php for text/html and file.rdf for rdf/xml).
>> Please let me know what you think before I add it to the list of HOWTOs.
> Looks good to me.
> I would add a little section showing how you can then request multiple 
> representations using curl -i -H "Accept: ..." -L http://
> Also explain the Content-Location: field
> Unless you show that people won't understand what they have gained.
>> Andrei
>> [1]
>> e/
> Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 23:33:39 UTC