Re: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity

>>>Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>> This resource should really be protected using WebID based ACLs. Got to
>>> dogfood instinctively.
>> Jeff Sayre wrote:
>> That would be nice! However, at yesterday's meeting, we agreed that
>> using
>> Google Docs would be the best idea. Document history is kept so if
>> anything deleterious happens, we can revert to an earlier version.
>> The document can be protected, making it available to only select people
>> to see and/or edit. This of course would make it a non-open document,
>> which I think might go against the spirit of W3C working groups.
>> Jeff
> Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Jeff,
> Okay for this job bearing in mind pragmatic implications. Going forward
> though, to be taken seriously, we have to show we use what we are asking
> others to adopt. Otherwise, we are just like everyone else i.e., pushing
> what we don't even use ourselves.
I agree whole heartedly with your overall thoughts on this issue.

As you state, we need to be pragmatic. Since we are rushing to put
together a position paper under tight deadline, we should not turn this
into a WebID use case. We need to focus on writing the paper and not get
distracted by implementing tech. I would prefer to be coding as writing is
not my most favorite activity. But time is of the essence and the priority
must shift to getting this paper done and submitted.


Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 16:19:55 UTC