Re: HOWTO for serving a WebID using Apache’s .htaccess file.

On 4 Apr 2011, at 11:10, Andrei Sambra wrote:

> Hello!
> I wrote a quick howto[1] on publishing a WebID, while taking into
> account the possibility of serving different files depending on the type
> of request, (i.e. file.php for text/html and file.rdf for rdf/xml).
> Please let me know what you think before I add it to the list of HOWTOs.

Looks good to me.

I would add a little section showing how you can then request multiple representations
using curl -i -H "Accept: ..." -L http://

Also explain the Content-Location: field 

Unless you show that people won't understand what they have gained.

> Andrei
> [1]

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 07:11:13 UTC