Re: WebID Paper and 3 Week focus

On 04.04.2011 21:15, Henry Story wrote:
> Dominik, I think it would be better to put the AuthZ proposal forward for the Berlin conference.
It is worth to think about it. Of course, I would like to participate in 
the work on an paper for Identity in the Browser.

> If you remember what Harry Halpin said at the teleconf previous to todays  [1], the browser people are still very skeptical of RDF.
Today I was absent.

> I'll look at your proposal in more detail this week.

> It would be worth comparing it to what Benjamin Heitman has been developing, and then work on some implementations.
What is the link?


Dominik "domel" Tomaszuk

Received on Monday, 4 April 2011 19:44:48 UTC