Re: XG W3pm Scope

On Friday, May 30, 2008 10:29am, Evan Wallace <> said:

> How is the Product Modeling XG planning on using the Semantic Web
> languages?  The above
> triple messes with the OWL vocabulary.  Do you care if you stay in OWL
> DL or do you intend
> your OWL/RDFS model for these things to be merely a schema for data in
> RDF form?

As an OWL reasoner vendor (see, these questions get to my primary concerns, namely, that OWL be a good fit for product modeling, but that we try to stay within OWL DL, chiefly OWL2 DL (or whatever OWLWG ends up calling it). To that end, re: measurements & units, I think we should (1) make sure that OWLWG knows, formally, that we have use cases & requirements for, say, n-ary datatype predicates; and (2) that we try, inasmuch as possible, to make our measurement & unit "stuff" fit what OWL2 will provide.

Evan, since you're on both groups, I hope you'll be able to help both understand the situation of the other, in cases (like this) where there's overlap.

Kendall Clark

Received on Friday, 30 May 2008 15:30:41 UTC