Dear URW3 invitee,
I am writing because of your interest in the Uncertainty Reasoning in
the World Wide Web. We have successfully chartered a W3C XG on
Uncertainty Reasoning. Our charter can be found at: Given your past
participation in other groups and workshops, we are inviting you to
join the XG.
Instructions for joining the group can be found at
2004/01/pp-impl/40302/instructions. These instructions are generally
straightforward but a few points of clarification follow. The
instructions differ slightly depending on whether you work for a W3C
member organization.
In either case, first read the charter; then you will need to obtain
a W3C login if you do not already have one. This is a simple process
(step 2 in the Member instructions or step 5 for non-Members) that
involves filling out a web form and receiving an account name and
password via email (this may take up to a couple of days).
After you have obtained the login, then you need to fill out the
appropriate form at the above instructions link. If you work for a
W3C member, have your Advisory Committee representative complete the
form for your organization to join the Uncertainty Reasoning for the
World Wide Web Incubator Group (substep 1 of Member step 3), and then
complete the form for nominating individuals such as yourself to
participate (substep 2 of Member step 3). Note, if you are the AC
rep, you still have to nominate yourself.
If you do not work for a W3C member, then follow the instructions to
complete the form to join as an Invited Expert. You should read the
Invited Expert agreement (step 2 for non-Members) and the approval
process (step 3). Approval from one of the co-chairs, Ken Laskey or
Kathy Laskey, is required. Let one of the co-chairs know you are
applying as an Invited Expert so they can be expecting the approval
request; this will do for step 4. As soon as you have your W3C
login, complete the Invited Expert application (step 6). W3C will
contact the co-chairs asking for approval and you will be notified
when that is complete. At that point, proceed to step 7 and you will
have joined and be subscribed to all the group's mailing lists.
I hope you will join the URW3 and become an active participant. For
those of you on the Yahoo temporary mailing list, that list will no
longer be maintained.
Ken Laskey
Kathryn Laskey
URW3-XG co-chairs
Ken Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone: 703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379
McLean VA 22102-7508