A unit of measurement as a measuring property


Context: I have a sensor which observes the temperature of the air in
Celsius. And I want to represent these facts with SSN.

example:sensor-0 a ssn:SensingDevice ;
   ssn:observes example:AirTemperature .

Above the triples representing the sensor and the fact that it
observes the air temperature. Since normally (or usually) a sensor
uses the same unit of measurement, it's useful to represent it in its

Question: How to represent using SSN ontology the fact that the sensor
observes the temperature in Celsius? Using a measuring property, e.g.
create an subclass of ssn:MeasurementProperty with name

Thank you in advance!
Maxim Kolchin
PhD Student @ ITMO University (National Research University)
E-mail: kolchinmax@gmail.com
Tel.: +7 (911) 199-55-73
Homepage: http://kolchinmax.ru

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 14:37:06 UTC