SSN-XG Meeting Minutes 2 June 2010

Hi all,

Thank you for attending the telephone conference today.
And a special thanks to David Kelsey for scribing - David: please accept my apologies for messing up with the scribenick command somewhat. 

The minutes can be found here: 
Please also check the corresponding pages on the wiki (see the links below) as the discussion was in many cases done on the basis of those pages 
(I have already made some changes in these pages to take into account what was said during the meeting).

In summary:

1) Laurent uses and recommends the following references
- Using the IRC channel to document teleconferences 
- TeleconEtiquette 
- XG guide

One of the principles from the XG guide I want to apply is "Think simple / Think pairs" (triples in some cases?). 
So, in the planning of the work ahead of us, I'm trying to set up mini-teams of contributors on reasonably-sized tasks. We have two main cases to deal with:
- for the ontology work: we need mini-teams with one specification editor/author, one OWL ontology developer and one example provider. We need more help for the last two and especially for the examples (please contribute in tis area)
- for the other work (especially the reports to be delivered), we need editor/author/reviewer mini-teams. I would like to have more reviewers especially for the parts where we have already done signiifcant progress e.g the Semantic Markup DRAFT deliverable. 
For the XG report, I also need help from my two co-chairs to identify up the priority areas where there is sizeable chunks of authoring yet to be done.

2) We refined the work plan for the Semantic Markup and Mappings deliverables 
- for the Semantic Markup deliverable, I have updated the planning table after the meeting, check 
and we agreed to have a check point of progress every two weeks (next one due 2010-06-16).
- for the Mappings deliverable, see (the main outcome of the discussion today is that we want to use the same examples for the Semantic Markup and for the mappings deliverables

3) We have not discussed nor updated the planning tables for the Ontology deliverable - I'm waiting for feedback from Luis on this. I will continue to tidy this part of the wiki before next week's conference. 

4) Finally, we have a quick update by Payam on the work on the Operation Model (Operational/survival range and restrictions). I have created a wiki page for this work 
Payam is also asking for help with the example especially from Luis because we believe this is an area which has been discussed by in MMI OntDev discussions. 

5) We have not discussed Michael's progress on the other ontology work item listed in the agenda.

New Action Items:

We have two new actions item. 

NEW] ACTION: Cory to report on Semantic Markup deliverable status in two weeks [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Luis: Provide MMI related use case associated with operating model due 2010-06-09 [recorded in]

I am also preparing a discussion on the XG report deliverable - I have prepared an empty table to support this discussion in 
My most urgent objective is to get a better idea of the amount of work left to do in this area to schedule the remaining work in function of our progress on the other deliverables.


Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 23:22:10 UTC