Re: strategy for an initial ontology

Hi John et al,

this is great an very timely. I think we should present this at the OGC
meeting. I am updating the presentations and would be great if I could add
one slide summarizing the process. Could you do this ?

Also, could I have one slide for the other work product ?

I am also adding screen shots of other ontologies and links that were

Presentation is tomorrow, Wednesday in the afternoon ET.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:33 PM, John Graybeal <> wrote:

> All,
> This email contains a description of the process we'll start with for the
> Ontology development, and a request for volunteers. Please take a quick look
> now to see if you can help out.
> To begin creating an ontology, the Semantic Sensor Net Ontology work
> product [1] wanted to start with a quick review of existing ontologies,
> selecting the best material from one or several as our starting point.
>  There are several lists of ontologies and similar references that may be
> useful [2,3,4].
> We are trying to put the key ones to consider in our Ontology list [5]; I
> heard of one more this morning, it can be added to this list. Anyone is
> welcome to nominate any other information source before the meeting
> (especially if you can help talk about it).
> At the next meeting (Wed July 1), we would like to briefly review each of
> these ontologies, describing key characteristics of each for our purposes.
> To do this, we will need a volunteer to talk about each ontology (less than
> 5 minutes each).  Some folks have already been, umm, volunteered, as shown
> on the list at [5].
> We are thinking certain attributes should be mentioned about each ontology,
> as it is presented. A notional list of these attributes has been created
> [6]; please feel free to edit or comment on this list.  In addition, if you
> are presenting, it would help if you could look over the ontology enough to
> be familiar with it, and answer other simple questions that may come up.
> If you have any questions, please contact me.  If you are willing to talk
> about one (or more!) of these ontologies, please contact me or put your name
> on the list [5].  Thanks very much for any help you can provide.
> John
> [1] Ontology Work Product page:
> [2] MMI Sensor-related ontologies:
> [3] MMI Device Ontology group ontologies page (graphical):
> [4] SSN Communities list (several indirectly related ontologies):
> [5] SSN Key Ontologies Reference List:
> [6] SSN Key Ontology Attributes:
> --------------
> John Graybeal   <>  -- 831-775-1956
> Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:

Luis Bermudez Ph.D.
Coastal Research Technical Manager
Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) - Office: (202) 408-8211
1201 New York Ave. NW Suite 430, Washington DC 20005

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 21:25:44 UTC