strategy for an initial ontology


This email contains a description of the process we'll start with for  
the Ontology development, and a request for volunteers. Please take a  
quick look now to see if you can help out.

To begin creating an ontology, the Semantic Sensor Net Ontology work  
product [1] wanted to start with a quick review of existing  
ontologies, selecting the best material from one or several as our  
starting point.  There are several lists of ontologies and similar  
references that may be useful [2,3,4].

We are trying to put the key ones to consider in our Ontology list  
[5]; I heard of one more this morning, it can be added to this list.  
Anyone is welcome to nominate any other information source before the  
meeting (especially if you can help talk about it).

At the next meeting (Wed July 1), we would like to briefly review each  
of these ontologies, describing key characteristics of each for our  
purposes. To do this, we will need a volunteer to talk about each  
ontology (less than 5 minutes each).  Some folks have already been,  
umm, volunteered, as shown on the list at [5].

We are thinking certain attributes should be mentioned about each  
ontology, as it is presented. A notional list of these attributes has  
been created [6]; please feel free to edit or comment on this list.   
In addition, if you are presenting, it would help if you could look  
over the ontology enough to be familiar with it, and answer other  
simple questions that may come up.

If you have any questions, please contact me.  If you are willing to  
talk about one (or more!) of these ontologies, please contact me or  
put your name on the list [5].  Thanks very much for any help you can  


[1] Ontology Work Product page:
[2] MMI Sensor-related ontologies:
[3] MMI Device Ontology group ontologies page (graphical):
[4] SSN Communities list (several indirectly related ontologies):
[5] SSN Key Ontologies Reference List:
[6] SSN Key Ontology Attributes:

John Graybeal   <>  -- 831-775-1956
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 18:34:04 UTC