Final Report Editing

Hi All, 

I have made a bunch of language fixes to the wiki (which there are quite a lot of to be frank), which I am not going to elaborate upon here, find below a list of concerns/comments I have which I feel should be addresses before the final report freezes: 

I have also inject a bunch of comments into the wiki search for : (@@QUESTION

1. Webfinger is mentioned in parts of the document, but doesn't get described in full in section: Identity Standards, and probably should get its own section. Currently there is a bit of text in the OpenID section, I think it should get its own subheading. 

2. Para 3 of the "State of the Social Web", states that OpenID came out of the IIW workshops, is this the truth ? 

3. In section "Problems: Usernames and Passwords are insecure", there is mention of the problem that "most names are taken", I don't understand this, surely there are more Strings available to be used than there are URIs ?!?

4. In the identity standards section, there is mention of OAuth, I am not sure OAuth is an identity standard, if anything OpenID connect is trying to merge OAuth and OpenID. In my books OAuth is a standard method of providing access to private resources on the web, and has very little to do with Identity! 

5. Infocard section. In the 2nd paragraph, there is mention of how InfoCards are "relatively secure", I don't understand this statement.

6. In the "Profiles" section, "Problem: Can't describe yourself", there is mention of a figure, either this section should be deleted or the figure should be found. I think the important parts of this section could be stripped out and but in the "Accessibility" section of the final report. 

Sorry, this took so long, I wasn't expecting this to take me this long, there was quite a lot of editing which needed doing :)


Mischa Tuffield PhD
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Received on Friday, 8 October 2010 16:48:45 UTC