High-level social web guiding principles to SWxG

Hi All,

We think a definition of high level principles which constitute the Social Web would be useful in the context of defining the framework for the Social Web and its concepts. 

Attached/below a proposal of so far 5 principles for dicsussion on the mailing list and/or at the next SWxG telcon.

High level principles

1.	What you see depends on who you are.

2.	Once defined, you can use your connections and relationships, across different Social Networks or Social Applications.

3.	You can expose your content (User Generated Content) to different Social Networks or Social Applications, without the need to store the content in these networks/applications. 

4.	You can define the access control on a per item basis, either per contact, or per group.

5.	You can communicate with connections no matter which Social Network or Social Application you share.

Looking forward to hearing your comments w/r the need of agreeing on high level principles & their concrete content/wording,

Dan (A) & Anita 

Received on Thursday, 14 January 2010 13:21:49 UTC