Re: World Map of Social Networks

> On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Ted Thibodeau Jr  wrote:
>> These maps aren't terribly interesting to me.  They (appear to) show
>> only the most popular (measured how?  regular users?  registrants?)
>> site/network/service in a given country.

Yes, it is terribly time consuming and difficult to perform a global as 
well as detailed/granular assessment. Unclear to whom this process would 
provide value. I don't think there are sufficient number of buyers for 
this information at its "true cost" to even break even on the effort 

As I said in my presentation to the SWXG in July 2009 and to other 
audiences, metrics are terribly important however they have received 
virtually no attention from either the commercial universe (those who 
really should be asking how their value is determined) or anyone else, 
including this XG.

Without a consistent metric implemented across all communities, anyone 
can say any numbers they wish. Convenient, eh?

>> This fails to show whether a site/network/service is of interest to
>> a region within a country ... or whether it is only interesting to
>> *one* country ... or whether it has smaller but broader interest,
>> with users across many countries in a region, though it does not
>> dominate any country ... among other more useful comparisons.
> Region is ill-defined. Anyways, if you can find any better maps or
> graphics, do tell me, but you might need to pose a limited set of
> questions that such a visualization should anser. I think we need at
> least one, but I don't really have the time or talent to make one :)
I recommend that the lack of a "good" map or graphic should be reported 
as a finding (not be ignored).

>> Given that they were built on many-eyes, it seems likely that the
>> underlying data should be not-too-difficult to get, and thus that
>> some of the above questions could be answerable, and those answers
>> presented ... in which case I'm more inclined to favor inclusion.
>> As they stand, I don't think either is worth inclusion.

Actually, IMHO, they should both (or all) be included as part of an 
appendix to point out that facebook has the largest number of accounts 
and that other than this statement, the lack of consistent metrics, and 
(if we had them) absence of systematic reporting to a central repository 
(as there is for telephony providers) it is not possible to build and 
maintain an accurate and detailed view of how social networks play a 
role in people's lives.

The exception to this general observation is mobile Social Networking. 
Check-ins/logins from mobile devices and data traffic between a social 
network server and community members' mobile devices can be measured at 
multiple points (the operator of the network and the operator of the 
service) and probably provide meaningful information, however, these are 
not published by any community provider.

Going one step beyond this, I think we can ask ourselves rhetorically, 
if it is more or less likely that companies or users will be able to 
measure social Web activity (whatever units used would need to be 
explored and eventually agreed upon) in the future with a federated 
social Web.

My hunch is that the situation will remain just as unclear (or less 
measurable) unless there is a concerted effort to build metrics into 
user agents or servers.


>> Be seeing you,
>> Ted
>> --
>> A: Yes.            
>> | Q: Are you sure?
>> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
>> Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
>> Evangelism&  Support         //
>>                              //    
>> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //    
>>         10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington MA 01803
>> OpenLink Blogs    
>>     Universal Data Access and Virtual Database Technology Providers

Received on Friday, 27 August 2010 09:24:58 UTC