ACTION [CONTINUES] W3C-style "edit" user stories on

Hi there,

I've taken a dive into the user stories [1] and made some changes but  
the editing is far from over.

If the chair would allow some time today on the call (maybe as part of  
item #5 on the agenda [2]), I'd like to get a chance to state my  
approach, as well as gather feedback and ideas so that we can produce  
something both fairly standardized and comprehensible.



- - - - - - -
Tim Anglade | director, “Turbulences” dpt. | af83
42, boulevard de Sébastopol | 75003 Paris | France
1436, Howard St | San Francisco | CA 94103 | USA
Tel : +33 1 42 72 33 32
Mob : +33 6 35 92 77 58
Skype : timanglade
Web :

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Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 12:56:18 UTC