Re: Is a Perfect Storm Forming For Distributed Social Networking?

Quick note: our very own Dan Brickley was an employee of Joost, a p2p
internet tv company. I think maybe he could give us some pointers in this

Lastly, +1 on this xg looking closely at open source projects. Will put this
on the next agenda

On Aug 12, 2009 12:30 PM, "Dave Raggett" <> wrote:

On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Toby Inkster wrote: > On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 09:46
+0100, Dave Raggett wrote: >...
Would you mind expanding on that? I've skimmed the OpenMicroBlogging spec
[1] and it seems to only deal with a means to allow users of one
microblogging service to publish notices to users of another service, given
the other users' permission, and relying upon OAuth. I don't see how it
supports load balancing, for instance.

As a reminder, my list of challenges:

 * Retaining HTTP based identifiers for resources whilst   using P2P
protocols for dereferencing t...

 * P2P search algorithms for Social Networks  * Support for access control
and audience segregation...

> Longer term, I hope SWXG leads to a W3C effort (a Working Group perhaps)
to develop a decentralise...
The open social web needs to be more than just microblogging although I
agree that that is an important component. P2P techniques together with
sub-pub models can offer near real-time performance without the need for
relying on any one vendor for compute power.


 Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 11:28:51 UTC