Re: First Teleconference: Wednesday May 6th 13:00 UTC - setting agenda


Firstly, great stuff getting all of this organised, I can only imagine  
how much work it was tracking down peoples' constraints in order to  
satisfy them, go Harry &  Chairs !

So, I thought I would also write a short introduction about myself, am  
not sure if this common practise but here we go :

I am Mischa Tuffield, I am currently working for Garlik and have been  
for about 9 months now, pre-Garlik I was at the Uni of Southampton,  
where I am still registered as a (nominal) PhD student under Nigel  
Shadbolt's supervision. I have been doing RDF stuff since 2005 when I  
moved to soton and the AKT project, and hope to finish my thesis on  
personal information/privacy/lifelogging on the Semantic Web at some  
point soon, he says optimistically ....

At Garlik I have been working on FOAF stuff, links to most of which  
can be found here [1], as well as working on our main DataPatrol[2]  



Mischa Tuffield
Homepage -

On 27 Apr 2009, at 21:43, Harry Halpin wrote:

> Everyone,
>    After considerable trouble, it appears that Wednesdays at 13:00
> UTC are the best teleconference time for this XG [1]. Does anyone have
> a severe problem with this? However, this Wednesday seems like it in
> particular might be troublesome to a number of people who can
> nonethless attend Wendesdays regularly now they know about it. So, I
> suggest having our first teleconference May 6th, giving people an
> adequate amount of time to get their schedule in order. By now, if you
> are an invited expert, you should have your login and filled out the
> Royalty-Free Patent agreement forms. Tell me if you have not.
> However, in order to maximize productive telecon time, I suggest that
> we work on crafting an agenda for our meeting next week. Off the top
> of my head, I'm considering having the roles on the agenda be:
>    1) List of other communities from outside the W3C to invite to our
> telecon. Building off DanBri's proposals to have this XG be a "talking
> shop", we need to find people to talk to us. Since we only run for one
> year, we really only have space for about 20 invited talks from both
> inside the W3C and outside. I'd like people who have some technology
> or proposed standard to be considered for future standard. So, Mobile
> Best Practices WG, OpenID, OpenSocial, and the like come to my mind.
>    2) I'd also like to hear your thoughts about the role of the W3C
> in the Social Web, and what you expect to see out of this group and in
> the final report. The preliminary idea is to rotate bi-weekly between
> inviting other parts of the W3C and the community to the Social Web
> XG, and then the week following spend our time discussing how that
> particular part of the technology fits into the final report, with the
> write up reflecting that discussion happening shortly thereafter.
>    3) Lastly, we have a number of deliverables in our charter, and
> these deliverables will need editors. Who is interested in editing?
> It's a time-consuming task, but rewarding. If you are interested in
> editing, which documents in the charter are you most interested in
> editing [2]? A great explanation of editing is found here [3]
> (Member-only).
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 13:53:16 UTC