Re: Deliverables from the RDB2RDF XG

Dear Ashok,

Yes, it's ok to provide PDF as an alternative to an xhtml version.


On Jan 23, 2009, at 11:25 AM, ashok malhotra wrote:

> Ivan, Mauro:
> As you know, the RDB2RDF XG is coming to a close.  We are planning  
> two deliverables and I thought I would run them by you for early  
> comments.
> 1. We have prepared a final report.  This is attached.  I am trying  
> to get permission to put it on the W3C site.
> 2. We have prepared a State Of the Art Survey.  This is in the form  
> of extensions to the ESW  Wiki 
>  or as a PDF file 
>  < 
> >. both have the same content.  Is this format acceptable for an XG  
> deliverable?
> -- 
> All the best, Ashok

Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 18:35:19 UTC