Terminology: Data Source & Domain Ontologies


While digesting today's minutes, I came across the terms: Data Source 
Ontology and Domain Ontology. Although this isn't the first time I've 
encountered these terms (since I've met Prakash at our month Semantic 
Web Gatherings a few times), I would like to acknowledge that these 
terms should become vital parts of the RDB2 RDF lexicon for the 
following reasons:

1. Historic links to related realms e.g. in the early '90's NeXT 
developed an Objective-C based mapping layer called EOF (Enterprise 
Object Frameworks) the enabled RDBMS to Objective-C mapping via what is 
Prakash calls a "Domain Ontology" generated from the source RDBMS schema

2.  Contemporary links to related realms e.g., Microsoft offers 
Enterprise Object Frameworks as its .NET based mechanism for RDBMS to 
.NET based Entity mapping via an Entity Model Generator (EDM) that also 
produces a "Domain Ontology".

Prakash/Mike: Thanks for the introduction of these terms. I believe they 
will greatly aid the messaging aspect of the RDB2RDF effort, amongst 
other things :-)


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_Objects_Framework
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADO.NET_Entity_Framework



Kingsley Idehen	      Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web: http://www.openlinksw.com

Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 20:08:39 UTC