- From: Paulo Pinheiro da Silva <paulo@utep.edu>
- Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 09:03:40 -0700
- To: Paul Groth <pgroth@gmail.com>, "public-xg-prov@w3.org" <public-xg-prov@w3.org>
Hi Paul, Thank you a lot for grouping these concepts. This grouping is truly interesting for me since since it shows how the name of certain concepts can be misleading. For example, I did mention that PML concepts added to the list are those that we do not have OPM equivalent. In this case, the PML term that maps to opm:Artifact is pml:Information that is not in my list. pml:Document is a subclass of pml:Source that is an information container. What we mean by this? Well, opm:Artifact is an immutable state of an object but that the object it is a state of is itself mutable. So, pml:Source. So, what is the relevance of pml:Document? We have noted that objects can be actionable and not-actionable. More specifically in terms of provenance, some objects are capable of asserting information where they are the originators of the information (e.g., a person, an organization) while other objects are capable of asserting information that was once provided to them (e.g., a publication, a database). As you see, that is why my list have pml:Source (and its subclasses pml:Agent, pml:Document and pml:DocumentFragment) and it does not have pml:Information. Moreover, I do not include some subclasses to this list to keep it small such as pml:Person and pml:Organization (subclasses of pml:Agent) and pml:publication (subclass of pml:Document). Many thanks, Paulo. > Hi All, > > Thanks for all your contributions to the set of suggested concepts on > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Proposal_for_a_Working_Group_on_Provenance > > I have went ahead and tried grouping those concepts together across the > various ontologies. You can find this grouping here: > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Suggested_Concepts > > In this grouping, I have been biased to condensing the concepts to make > the most manageable list possible. For example, I have grouped all the > concepts related to time under Time or for example I have grouped > opm:artifact, provenier;data, and pmlp:document under Resource. I have > made no distinction between classes and properties. Note, I may have put > an ontological concept in the wrong grouping but I have not eliminated > any concepts. > > According my grouping that we have roughly 19 core concepts. Today, on > the call I hope we can get final consensus on these core concepts > whether some should be included or not. > > Any comments are appreciated. I hope this is helpful. > > Speak to you soon, > Paul > > . >
Received on Friday, 26 November 2010 16:04:15 UTC