Re: quick update on biblio curation / tagging

Hi all,

I have inserted some papers and tagged existing ones in Mendeley.

Added the following papers:

** Giorgos Flouris, Irini Fundulaki, Panagiotis Pediaditis, Yannis 
Theoharis, Vassilis Christophides:
Coloring RDF Triples to Capture Provenance. International Semantic Web 
Conference 2009: 196-212
** Panagiotis Pediaditis, Giorgos Flouris, Irini Fundulaki, Vassilis 
Christophides: On Explicit Provenance Management in RDF/S Graphs.
Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance 2009

Tagged the following papers:

**Provenance Management in Curated Databases P. Buneman, J. Cheney, 
Andrianne Chapman.
** A Provenance Model for Manually Curated Data. Buneman, Peter,  
Chapman, Adriane, Cheney, James, Vansummeren, Stijn



On 7/14/10 5:36 PM, Paolo Missier wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have been trying to clean up the public Mendeleay collection and 
> here is the situation:
> - I merged the shared collection with the public collection. the 
> shared collection is now gone
> - I reviewed 66 entries that had evidently been imported 
> automatically. Some of them were junk, some were duplicates, but quite 
> a few were good entries after cleaning
> - initially we had 87 "approved" entries. After adding the cleaned upo 
> entries and removing the dups, we now have 110 entries that are "ok" 
> for citation, although not perfect.
>   they are here: 
>   The authors on this list are invited to edit their own paper 
> entries!!  please take a look and find yourself :-)
> note: this does not include the recent IPAW procs, which are still in 
> the making.
> - Tagging: only 24 entries have been tagged. 76 to go.
>   I plotted the current distribution of tags usage here: 
>   (hopefully the link is visible)
>  please contribute!!
> thanks  and regards, -Paolo

Received on Friday, 16 July 2010 13:52:50 UTC