Re: quick update on biblio curation / tagging

Hi all, I've added some tags too this week. I list below the papers:

*Metadata and provenance management
Ewa Deelman, Bruce Berriman, Ann Chervenak, Oscar Corcho, Paul Groth, Luc
*PASSing the provenance challenge
D A Holland, M I Seltzer, U Braun, K.-K. Muniswamy-Reddy (2008)
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20 p. 531-540
*Tackling the provenance challenge one layer at a time
Carlos Scheidegger, David Koop, Emanuele Santos, H (2008)
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20 (5) p. 473-483
*The First Provenance Challenge
L Moreau, B Ludäscher, I Altintas, R S Barga (2008)
*Using Semantic Web Technologies for Representing e-Science Provenance
J Zhao, C Wroe, C Goble, R Stevens, D Quan, M Greenwood (2004)

2010/7/15 Yolanda Gil <>

> Thanks Paolo for updating the instructions on the wiki.  I was able to
> upload and tag to my heart's content with no problems.  I like the
> completion feature, where you start typing a tag and it shows you possible
> completions.  Made things very easy.
> Following Simon's lead, I am listing below the papers that I tagged.  I
> also added tags to a couple other papers.
> Yolanda
>    * Reasoning about the Appropriate Use of Private Data through
> Computational Workflows. Yolanda Gil and Christian Fritz. AAAI Spring
> Symposium on Privacy Management, Stanford, CA, March 23-25, 2010.
>    * A Survey of Trust in Computer Science and the Semantic Web, Donovan
> Artz and Yolanda Gil. Journal of Web Semantics, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2007.
>    * Towards Privacy Aware Data Analysis Workflows for e-Science, William
> Cheung and Yolanda Gil. 2007 Workshop on Semantic e-Science (SeS2007), held
> in conjunction with the Twenty-Second Conference of the Association for the
> Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, British Columbia,
> Canada, July 22-26, 2007. Slides from the presentation.
>    * Semantic Metadata Generation for Large Scientific Workflows, Jihie
> Kim, Yolanda Gil, and Varun Ratnakar. Proceedings of the Fifth International
> Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-06), Athens, GA, November 5-9, 2006.
>    * IKRAFT: Interactive Knowledge Representation and Acquisition from
> Text, Yolanda Gil and Varun Ratnakar. Proceedings of the 13th International
> Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Siguenza,
> Spain, October 1-4, 2002.
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Paolo Missier wrote:
>  Hi,
>> glad you find this workable...
>> these are good criteria, I'll go ahead and do some tagging today
>> we're up to 34 tagged papers  but I agree that the use case ones should be
>> the focus
>> quick technicalities:
>> - there is a "web page" entry type in Mendeley so we can use that and then
>> tag them uniformly
>> - not sure you can do stats on the tags used from within Mendeley. What I
>> have done is sync locally and then run SQL against the local Mendeley DB and
>> export the result to googledocs.
>> This may be th3e best I can do as I am not sure how to make it happen
>> automatically. Mendeley may not support that.
>> not sure can "query" Mendeley" at all (as opposed to browsing)
>> Also: I find that bibdata is a great publication outlet but for editing we
>> can just stick to the Mendeley dekstop, it seems quite convenient and the
>> sync facility allows us to work together.
>> Cheers, -Paolo
>>> I would suggest that we all get more tagging done and that on the Friday
>>> telecon we start querying the collection for each scenario to see what
>>> obvious citations and tags may be missing.  Paolo: to facilitate this, is
>>> there a way to put a link a query URL for Mendeley to the wiki page for each
>>> scenario?  My goal is to move towards a point where we can start to see the
>>> gaps and the relevant prior work for each scenario through a few simple
>>> queries to Mendeley.
>>> Happy tagging!
>>> Yolanda

Received on Friday, 16 July 2010 13:15:17 UTC