Re: Business Contract scenario related work

Dear provenance incubator group,

A reminder that it would be helpful if you could send me related work
relevant to the Business Contract scenario, i.e. the following topics:

About provenance in contracts, engineering processes, legal evidence

Or related to one or more of the scenario's goals:
 * Checking whether past actions comply with stated obligations
 * Understanding how one product is derived from another
 * Filtering the information revealed in provenance by privacy and
ownership concerns
 * Discovering where two sources have a hidden mutual dependency
 * Resolving apparent inconsistencies in multiple accounts of the same event
 * Verifying that those who performed actions had the expertise or
authority to do so


On 20 August 2010 15:13, Simon Miles <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As Yolanda said in the agenda, I'd like to talk about the state of the
> art for the Business Contract scenario in today's telecon.  The idea
> would be to provoke suggestions of work relevant to the topic of this
> scenario.  To try to make this easier, here's a summary of the
> particular emphases of the scenario in advance.  If you can't make the
> telecon, suggestions by email are also welcome.
> Application areas: contracts, engineering processes, legal evidence
> Scenario goals:
>  * Checking whether past actions comply with stated obligations
>  * Understanding how one product is derived from another
>  * Filtering the information revealed in provenance by privacy and
> ownership concerns
>  * Discovering where two sources have a hidden mutual dependency
>  * Resolving apparent inconsistencies in multiple accounts of the same event
>  * Verifying that those who performed actions had the expertise or
> authority to do so
> References already thought to be relevant from related use cases and
> Mendeley tagging (not all yet in Mendeley, but I'm getting there):
> 1. Creative Commons. liblicense. 2009.
> 2. Reimer Y, Douglas S. Implementation Challenges Associated with
> Developing a Web-based E-notebook. Journal of Digital Information.
> 4(3).
> 3. Moreau L, Clifford B, Freire J, et al. The open provenance model
> core specification (v1.1). Future Generation Computer Systems. 2010.
> 4. Groth P, Miles S, Modgil S, et al. Determining the Trustworthiness
> of New Electronic Contracts. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual
> Workshop on Engineering Societies in the Agents' World, (ESAW-09).
> Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2009.
> 5. Hartig O, Zhao J. Using Web Data Provenance for Quality Assessment.
> In: Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on the Role of Semantic Web
> in Provenance Management (SWPM) at ISWC. Washington, USA; 2009.
> 6. Manjula Patel, Alexander Ball & Lian Ding. Strategies for the
> Curation of CAD Engineering Models. International Journal of Digital
> Curation 4(1), 2008
> 7. Rob Bracewell, Ken Wallace, Michael Moss & David Knott (2008).
> Capturing Design Rationale. Computer-Aided Design 41. 173–186. DOI:
> 10.1016/j.cad.2008.10.005
> 8. Paul Townend, Paul Groth, Jie Xu (2005) A Provenance-Aware Weighted
> Fault Tolerance Scheme for Service-Based Applications. In Proc. of the
> 8th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time
> distributed Computing (ISORC 2005)
> 9. Toyota recalls 2.3m US vehicles.
> 10. K Eckert, M Pfeffer, H Stuckenschmidt. A Unified Approach for
> Representing Metametadata - Proceedings of the 2009 Dublin Core
> Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 2009.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> --
> Dr Simon Miles
> Lecturer, Department of Informatics
> Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
> +44 (0)20 7848 1166

Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Received on Thursday, 26 August 2010 13:49:46 UTC