- From: Raphaël Troncy <Raphael.Troncy@cwi.nl>
- Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 19:40:19 +0100
- To: public-xg-prov@w3.org
Dear all, The minutes of today's telecon are available for review at http://www.w3.org/2009/10/30-prov-xg-minutes.html (and in text format below). Cheers. Raphaël --------- [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ Provenance XG - Telecon 30-10-2009 30 Oct 2009 [2]Agenda [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-prov/2009Oct/0006.html See also: [3]IRC log [3] http://www.w3.org/2009/10/30-prov-xg-irc Attendees Present Raphael, Yolanda, Deborah, Luc, Satia, Paolo, Irini, Christine, Joshua, Simon, Paul, JimM Regrets Olaf Chair YolandaG Scribe raphael Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]1. Introduction 2. [6]2. Participants introductions 3. [7]3. Goal of this XG 4. [8]4. Plan for the next meting 5. [9]5. AOB * [10]Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________ yep, perfect, I will ping Yolanda so she can request trackbot to be attached to this group <scribe> scribe: raphael <scribe> scribenick: raphael wow, someone has dialed very early who has called ? who has just called zakim ? <pgroth> me Paul, you were the first ? <pgroth> i think, i just dialed in <Irini> Ηι <Irini> Hi, this is Irini Fundulaki from Greece (+30 2810..) <smiles> Hello, I (Simon Miles) am here too <paolo> hi all please, when you join, state your name so Zakim can recognize <ssahoo2> ssahoo2 is satya sahoo Web IRC is available at [11]http://cgi.w3.org/member-bin/irc/irc.cgi pass the message [11] http://cgi.w3.org/member-bin/irc/irc.cgi 1. Introduction Yolanda: I thank everybody, more than 35 people have joined the group and more will join ... I'm available as chair for anyone who has concern, issue ... a lot of people couldn't join today, but wanted to start early Raphael: I'm willing to show you the magic commands ... I'm very sorry, I'm disconnected often [12]http://cgi.w3.org/member-bin/irc/irc.cgi [12] http://cgi.w3.org/member-bin/irc/irc.cgi <paolo> whois? <rreck> what is the conference call code? <pgroth> conference call code is : 98765 <ssahoo2> conf code 98765 Raphael: introducing quickly to some irc commands <rreck> i can answer that <rreck> you decide who you are based on timing <rreck> i thought the call started at 11 EDT <pgroth> it does <pgroth> where are you at rreck <pgroth> ? 2. Participants introductions <rreck> washington DC metro, so EDT Yolanda: all, please introduce you very briefly on the phone ... but use the mailing list to introduce you with more details, providing links to paper and research ... I'm starting, I have done work using provenance for trust in knowledge base ... provenance in workflow system <rreck> q question mark tells you who is on the queue Luc: I'm Luc Moreau from Uni. of Southampton ... I'm working in Provenance since a lot of time, interoperability, creating with some others the Provenance Challenge ... we have 20-25 teams working on this activity ... result is OPM, the Open Provenance Model, used in the last edition of the challenge ... more than 400 papers have been published on this topic ... will send a paper by the end of the next week Raphael: I believe I have transcribed everything :-) <ssahoo2> satya sahoo Satya: use semantic web technique for representing provenance, made a formal ontology ... with Paolo and Juliana ... just run the Provenance Workshop @ISWC Paolo: I'm from Uni. of Manchester, interested in Provenance since 2 years ... I will ask feedback to people about interface? ... regarding OPM, work in a specific profile, we have participated in the 3rd year challenge of the provenance challenge ... we should put in the wiki more links to the provenance challenge results? ALL: please feel free to correct me if I'm scribing things wrongly Jim Myers: Uni of Irvine <YolandaG> Jim Myers is at NCSA, not Irvine <ssahoo2> Jim is at NCSA Univ of Illinois scribe: involved a lot in OPM and in the provenance challenge ... more details posted to the list Paul: Free University of Amsterdam ... interested in mashups? <pgroth> vrije unviersity amsterdam <pgroth> btw Irini: FORTH team, got a paper in ISWC 2 days ago <rreck> sorry i missed the paper. do you have a link to it ? Thanks Paul <Irini> please substitute FORTH with FORTH <rreck> joshua: i am in chantilly Joshua Philips: Invited expert <Irini> link to the FORTH paper: [13]http://iswc2009.semanticweb.org/wiki/index.php/ISWC_2009_Researc h_Track#10:30__.09_Semantics:_Reasoning_and_Provenance [13] http://iswc2009.semanticweb.org/wiki/index.php/ISWC_2009_Research_Track#10:30__.09_Semantics:_Reasoning_and_Provenance who is talking? <Deborah> Jim McCusker <rreck> me too! Christine: Internet Society, not on IRC, interest in provenanc for privacy and data protection <Deborah> Deborah L McGuinness <Deborah> Professor of Computer Science and Cognitive Science Tetherless World Constellation RPI (previously led Stanford University�s Knowledge Systems Laboratory) <Deborah> Inference Web � Knowledge Provenance Interlingua Environment � [14]http://inference-web.org [14] http://inference-web.org/ <Deborah> Uses <Deborah> PML � Proof Markup Language � Knowledge Provenance Interlingua - [15]http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/KSL_Abstracts/KSL-07-07.html [15] http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/KSL_Abstracts/KSL-07-07.html Deborah: RPI now, interested in provenance to improve trust ... work in the Proof Markup Language <Deborah> retrying to post info <Deborah> Deborah L McGuinness <Deborah> Professor of Computer Science and Cognitive Science Tetherless World Constellation RPI (previously led Stanford University�s Knowledge Systems Laboratory) <Deborah> Inference Web � Knowledge Provenance Interlingua Environment � [16]http://inference-web.org [16] http://inference-web.org/ <Deborah> Uses <Deborah> PML � Proof Markup Language � Knowledge Provenance Interlingua - [17]http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/KSL_Abstracts/KSL-07-07.html [17] http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/KSL_Abstracts/KSL-07-07.html it's ok Deborah, already recorded ... thought you have strange characters in your sentences <paolo> I sent a link to the SWPM wiki yesterday through the mlist, not sure it was distributed correctly? 3. Goal of this XG Yolanda: we are an Incubator Group, XG, and NOT a WG, so we will not develop a recommendation <Deborah> ok - thx raphael - is there a url where we can view the full recording? (i only can see text since i rejoined irc) Yolanda: we will rather explore new area and provide guidance to W3C of what should be done in this domain Deborah, here <rreck> yes, I sent you an email to that effect Yolanda: mailing list is public, and archived, so everything you send is accessible for ever ... we need to define the scope? of the work ... provenance is present in a very broad range of domains ... in the context of the Semantic Web, a lot of interest for Linked Data Raphael: indeed, there is at least me, Olaf Hartif here ... in the Washington DC VoCamp in the Library of Congress, and we are discussing Provenance vocabularies Yolanda: goal is to describe the landscape of the various intiatives <pgroth> Paul <pgroth> as well raphael :-) Yolanda: identify the aspect of provenance thant concerns various communities including Semantic Web ... ultmately we will provide a state of the art on the topic ... and a roadmap that could recommend some standardisation effort ... wiki will be a good place to collaboratively contribute <jmyers4> and present + Jim M? Yolanda: open forum so that everyone can comment thanks all for your help :-) <rreck> i would send some lessons learned from the social XG ???: Problem with the wiki ... is it write protected? <pgroth> what's the url of the wiki? scribe: can you add all participants of this XG as wiki user? WIKI URL: [18]http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Main_Page [18] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Main_Page Rreck: I want to give you my experience with the Social Web XG ... how to use the wiki for writing use cases <rreck> i think i forwarded those to you <rreck> i would be glad to post them Yolanda: which use cases from the SW XG would be interesting for this group? rreck, please, send anything to the PUBLIC mailing list and not privalety to the chair since this group operates in public <rreck> right, i havent joined the group offcially <rreck> and she asked me to do so <rreck> [19]http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/UserStories#Trac king_Sources [19] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/UserStories#Tracking_Sources Yolanda: the charter is frozen <rreck> [20]http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/UserStories#Shil ls_Posting_False_Information_to_Dilute_the_Truth [20] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/UserStories#Shills_Posting_False_Information_to_Dilute_the_Truth could you please all state your name before talking ? I cannot yet match voices with names <pgroth> that was pgroth <pgroth> i should have used the speaker queue Paul: I suggest we liaise with other groups / other organizations Raphael: are you suggesting some particular groups and organisations ? <rreck> maybe we can come up with a template for usecases? Yolanda: if you have a w3c account, you should be able to edit the wiki ... we need to structure it as well, have a part of use cases, use stories, etc. ... who is willing to organize a top level structure for the wiki ? ... I'm asking for a volunteer who has talked ? <rreck> its seems that security to the wiki is group specific, therefore all w3c accounts will not automatically work <smiles> Paul talked Paul: I volunteer, didn't get your name <paolo> Washington DC VoCamp in the Library of Congress, and we are discussing Provenance vocabularies <rreck> i wish i had the stamina to have attended <Deborah> great paolo - you might mention this group and the upcoming ipaw - june 15-16, and challenge june 17 at RPI <paolo> Deborah is there a CFP for IPAW already? 4. Plan for the next meting <Deborah> coming very soon <paolo> ok thx Yolanda: I think we should start with some use cases <rreck> i agree that setting milestones is a great idea <Deborah> it will go up at [21]http://tw.rpi.edu/portal/IPAW2010 [21] http://tw.rpi.edu/portal/IPAW2010 Yolanda: we will spend time with more introduction with the ones who couldn't make it today, and then discuss high level goals for the group <rreck> might i recommend a template for usecases? <Deborah> +1 to template suggestion Yolanda: anyone wants to suggest other topics for discussion ? +1 for template for use cases <pgroth> simon? template <rreck> i will take that action Yolanda: I would put a discussion item next week for such a template Simon: I will work on one? I would certainly help next week scribe, thanks Paolo Next scribe: Paolo <pgroth> luc's survey Luc's survey is indeed the right things to start with Paoo: what is the current timeline to have this survey available Luc: I hope to release the survey by next week Irini: I can provide some links also, since we are preparing a survey as well on the topic 5. AOB I will email details on the mailing list for wiki access <ian_oliver> Thank you all and good night Yolanda: anything elese ? <rreck> bye [silence] meeting adjourned Summary of Action Items [End of minutes] -- Raphaël Troncy EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department 2229, route des Crêtes, 06560 Sophia Antipolis, France. e-mail: raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr & raphael.troncy@gmail.com Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242 Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200 Web: http://www.eurecom.fr/~troncy/
Received on Friday, 30 October 2009 22:39:14 UTC