SWPM workshop presentations are online

Hi all,
  The first SWPM workshop on Role of Semantics on Provenance Management, 
co-located with ISWC'09, was held last Sunday, Oct. 25th.
The paper presentations (and soon Carole's keynote talk!) are online at 
There you will also find
- a link to the CEUR papers proceedings,
- a page with a list of short answers to the question "what is the 
single most important next step in the semantic Web + provenance 
agenda?", as they emerged from a good discussion at the end of the workshop.

Thank you to all who contributed to a very informative event!

Happy browsing, -Paolo

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Dr. Paolo Missier
Information Management Group -  School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
pmissier@cs.man.ac.uk  http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pmissier

Received on Thursday, 29 October 2009 14:41:27 UTC