Re: Planning a face to face meeting

Dear all,

It's very likely that I will be at WWW and IPAW and it is possible for 
me to be at ESWC.

I agree with Paolo, the earlier the better.



Deborah McGuinness wrote:
> Hi  - a couple of comments.
> First - I am happy to host a meeting at RPI around the IPAW time or at 
> another mutually agreeable time.
> I also include some other dates and places below that I think we need to 
> consider for timing.
> One I believe is particularly important since one can not go to the AAAI 
> Spring Symposium Series and the W3C Advisory Committee meeting (and I am 
> running a SSS meeting on Linked Data meets AI that I believe (and hope) 
> at least some of this group are planning to attend).
> Of the events below, I can not attend the w3c meeting, will attend AAAI 
> SSS, will attend WWW (and the co-located Web Science conference), will 
> not attend ESWC, will attend IPAW and SemTech.
> Deborah
> interleaved dates below
> Yolanda Gil wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> We will discuss plans for a face to face meeting at our next week's 
>> telecon.  Perhaps the best way to handle this is to solicit 
>> possibilities from the group in the next few days, discuss briefly at 
>> the telecon, and then set up a vote to decide.
>> We should take into account the cost/time of travel for all 
>> participants, which makes places like California less desirable.  If 
>> this is not the case, I am happy to host the meeting at ISI anytime.  
>> But realistically we should think of events that people in the group 
>> are likely to attend or could potentially attend by combining the trip 
>> with other activities or simply because the location is convenient.
>> We should have a teleconference like set up so people that cannot 
>> attend will be able to join in.
>> Some possible opportunities that have been brought up are, in 
>> chronological order:
>> - March 21-23: W3C Advisory Committee meeting at MIT, Boston, MA
> - March 22-24: AAAI Spring Symposium Series at Stanford University, 
> Stanford, CA  ( and 
>> - April 26-30: WWW conference in Raleigh, NC
>> - May 30-Jun 3: ESWC conference in Heraklion, Greece
>> - June 15-16: IPAW in Troy, NY
> - June 21-25 SemTech in San Francisco, CA
>> Those are the dates of the meetings, so our face to face would be 
>> scheduled around those dates and of course we would need to figure out 
>> the logistics with the organizers.
>> From the point of view of the timeline of the group, I think earlier 
>> dates would be better.  The timing and location of the W3C AC meeting 
>> may be best, and they would have no problem facilitating the logistics 
>> (room, cost, telecon line, etc).  Also lots of W3C groups have F2F at 
>> these, so it is also useful for synergistic interactions with other 
>> W3C groups.  Good interactions may also be possible at the WWW 
>> conference, though if you were not planning to be at WWW then Raleigh 
>> is a bit more out of the way than Boston in terms of travel.  We would 
>> have to discuss with the WWW organizers about logistics, see if they 
>> would give us a room and a phone line, work out the cost, etc.  I 
>> think that June is probably a bit late to have the face to face as our 
>> activities wrap up in September and there is summer in between, but we 
>> should consider it as a possibility.
>> Does anyone have other suggestions?
>> Yolanda

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 14:30:11 UTC