- From: Doug Schepers <notifications@webstandardsproject.grouphub.com>
- Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:43:21 +0000
- To: J Public <public-xg-owea@w3.org>
--- Reply ABOVE THIS LINE to post a comment to the project --- Company: OWEA Project: Open Web Education Alliance Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45196680 Doug Schepers commented on a message: Hi, Folks- Sorry I've been AWOL... I've got a lot of deadlines looming. Just a quick note about what I discussed with Mauro last week regarding the whitepaper. I can expand on these points later. * As discussed, it would be best to send a high-level summary before tomorrow, even if it is rough ** more refined draft of the whitepaper can wait until later, if necessary * W3M will be discussing the agenda for their meeting retreat tomorrow morning ** the meeting itself will be September 27-29 ** we can't guarantee that OWEA will be discussed in detail at the retreat, and almost certainly no decision will be made, but it will be good to have this on the table as part of the overall context of future plans within W3C Here is what W3M will want to see at this stage: * overview of membership levels, and how that might work within the existing W3C membership? * what deliverables OWEA will produce? * what is the desired (and realistic) timeframe for launching OWEA? * what are OWEA's structural needs (within W3C)? ** why is being a domain preferable over an activity? *** if it is for direct representation within W3M, what is that needed? *** what issues would that structure solve are they trying to solve? autonomy? what else? * what team resources will be needed from W3C in order to accomplish OWEA's goals? ** how many people, and how many hours? ** what particular skills? (I would suggest an IT/systems developer, a lawyer familiar with education, non-profits, and publishing, and a team contact or activity lead with product/project management experience and connections into the education world) ** would this come out of W3C's budget, or could OWEA bring resources to do this? One of the missions of W3M is to preserve the culture of W3C. This means that once we have a charter for OWEA, we have to stick to the terms of that charter, or recharter the activity... this is not to say that there can't be some flexibility in the charter, but it does need to be considered and built it. OWEA can grow into its evolving role, but the process for doing so must be followed for full accountability. Finally, some of the aspects of the draft whitepaper have connotation of being finalized, so we should soften that a bit to reflect what I know is the true tenor of this group... that we are laying out options, and emphasizing what seems optimal at the present time to meet OWEAs needs, but that it's all subject to examination and negotiation to find the best path forward. To that end, we might preface teh paper with just such a caveat, or introduce other interesting options that might fit better, just to demonstrate out good will and flexibility. As we all learn more about the intricacies of W3C policy (and the legal reasons behind them), I'm sure that other considerations will have to be taken into account, but establishing the right tone for involvement is important at this stage. I've already made a few edits to the whitepaper materials, and I'll review it again tonight and try to highlight key points that are particularly relevant right now. But in the meantime... I must nap. Regards- -Doug Schepers W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs .......................................................................... See the original message, view this comment, and download attachments at: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45196680 You can always check the Overview for the latest project activity: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/projects/3106824/log To stop receiving emails when comments are posted to this message, visit: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/posts/25375551/subscription/unsubscribe
Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 20:44:01 UTC