[Web Standards Project] Re: Executive Summary + Conclusion added to whitepaper

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45145527

Dave McFarland commented on a message:

   I agree with Aarron. InterAct is very different than the
   materials offered by Adobe, Opera and others. It's a curriculum
   framework that includes the kinds of materials--lesson plans,
   assignments, exam questions, learning modules--that instructors
   need to successfully run a class. The material from Opera and
   Adobe is very good, and should certainly be considered as
   reading material for a class, but they don't provide the
   complete course structure that InterAct offers. An instructor
   can take an InterAct curriculum and basically have a complete
   course ready for them--for adjunct faculty, overworked
   instructors, and those who just don't have the time to keep up
   with current Web practices, this is a real time saver. In my
   experience the key to winning the Web standards-in-education
   fight is to make it as EASY as possible for people to adopt. If
   an instructor is faced with the choice, "Should I develop my own
   course from scratch, or just use this ready-made course," odds
   are the instructor will choose the simplest path--a complete


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Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 14:38:16 UTC