Re: Accessibility curriculum development - meet at W3C TPAC

Hi, Suzette-

I am at TPAC, and I'd be happy to meet with you and anyone else 
interested in OWEA.  I'm probably one of the W3C Team most involved in 
OWEA, and while I don't think I'm the best person to actually put stuff 
into the curriculum materials themselves, I'd be happy to help 
coordinate on it.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Chris Mills wrote (on 11/2/09 5:19 AM):
> While I will not be at TPAC, I can arrange to meet Suzette at some point
> to talk about this. We live in the same country, and we were talking to
> her from within Opera about some education initiatives already, I believe.
> Suzette - what does your schedule look like?
> Best,
> Chris Mills
> Developer relations manager
> Editor, and
> Opera Software ASA
> Web standards education evolved - read the Opera web standards
> curriculum at
> On 28 Oct 2009, at 16:29, Shawn Henry wrote:
>> Hi OWEA folks,
>> I'm sending the message below for Suzette Keith <>
>> Note that she is *interested in meeting up at the W3C TPAC next week*.
>> ~Shawn
>> Hi OWEA,
>> I have been working on curriculum development as a partner of the
>> Design for All@eInclusion project, which is an EU funded project with
>> members from 23 countries. Most of the members are national contact
>> centres for the European Design for All eAccessibility network
>> (
>> We are nearing completion of our project and have produced three
>> publicity leaflets on training in Design for All. These cover three
>> levels; Bachelor and Masters level as well as one at the professional
>> industry level produced by colleagues from Germany.
>> See, and the download links to
>> Masters and Bachelor level curriculum guidelines and Training in
>> Design for All for Professionals in ICT Industry. We have also created
>> a MSc Digital Inclusion that is validated to run in the UK starting
>> January 2010, see
>> Our remit is broad and takes on the methods of human computer
>> interaction and the domains of assistive technologies, as well as
>> inclusive ICT design. Accessible web content and accessible
>> interaction are key elements of what we do.
>> It would be good to harmonise the web accessibility parts of the
>> curriculum guidelines with members of OWEA - we would like to see the
>> efforts of the DFAEI project lead into something more sustainable and
>> have an impact beyond the life of our current funding.
>> I am attending TPAC in my role as invited expert to EOWG[1] and in
>> particular WAI-AGE[2] - I shall be around Sunday 1st to Thursday 5th.
>> Please email me to arrange to meet
>> Suzette
>> [1]
>> [2]

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2009 07:26:12 UTC