[Web Standards Project] Re: Organizational White Paper draft

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C43967746

Aaron Gustafson commented on a message:

   Tom: If you take a look at the wiki, you'll see that this is an
   outgrowth of our discussions from our August meeting in
   Chattanooga. As we are a W3C Incubator, we are expected to
   produce this sort of documentation. Our W3C charter is only for
   1 year and is quickly expiring, so part of the group is focusing
   on how we should organize ourselves once that charter runs out.
   Furthermore, without a plan for how the effort will be organized
   and support itself, none of our objectives wrt education are
   likely to be met. At least not in any sustainable manner.

     It worries me that so much effort is being devoted to
     organizational structures, and little to actual educational

   If you read about everything that we've been doing (see the
   wiki), you'll realize this is only one small, but necessary
   facet of our work.


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Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 14:36:00 UTC