[MMSEM] Telecon minutes of 01/03/2007


The minutes of the last telecon are available:

Note: The next MMSEM-XG telecon is scheduled for
      Thu 15 Mar Feb 2007, 17:00 UTC

The Summary of action items read:

[NEW] ACTION: Erik to contact DIG35 to see any licensing problems if we
do some conversions [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Erik to do the conversion from DIG35 to OWL/RDF [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-mmsem-minutes.html#action12]
[NEW] ACTION: Jeff and Raphael to give feedback on how to improve the
Tools Page [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Jeff and Vassilis to review algorithm representation UC
till [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Oscar to update a possible scenario with classical music
(thanks to Ivan Herman) [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Oscar, Stamatia, Raphael, Suzanne, Chrisa, Michael to have
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-mmsem-minutes.html#action21]
[NEW] ACTION: Susanne Little to review the Multimedia Retrieval use case
by 08/03/2007 [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Vassilis to review the Multimedia Retrieval use case by
08/03/2007 [recorded in

[PENDING] ACTION: Chris, Thierry and Raphael to update the UC and the
interop deliverable [recorded in
[PENDING] ACTION: Michael to maintain the Vocabularies page [recorded in
[PENDING] ACTION: Oscar to update the UC and the interop deliverable
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-mmsem-minutes.html#action06]
[PENDING] ACTION: Oscar, Stamatia, Raphael, Suzanne, Chrisa, Michael to
have MPEG-7 deliverable ready for review by next telecon [recorded in
[PENDING] ACTION: Raphael addresses the comments on "Image Annotation on
the [recorded in
[PENDING] ACTION: Vassilis to contact Massimo to ask for next steps
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-mmsem-minutes.html#action15]
[PENDING] ACTION: Zeljko to maintain the Resources/Tools page [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-mmsem-minutes.html#action02]

The minutes are fully reproduced below.

Best regards.



      W3C Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 01-03-2007, 17:00 UTC

1 Mar 2007



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-mmsem-irc


          Ioannis, Raphael, chalaschek, SuzanneLittle, Erik,
          SusanneBoll, Zeljko, PaulBuitelar, Thomas_Franz, Oscar

          George_Anadiotis, Alessio, Pasquale, Sofia, Stamatia,
          Jeff_Pan, Melli, Michael




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]W3C Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 01-03-2007, 17:00
         2. [6]1. ADMIN
         3. [7]2. LINKS
         4. [8]3. Image Annotation on the Semantic Web Deliverable
         5. [9]4.2 Music Use case: (Oscar)
         6. [10]4.4 News Use case
         7. [11]4.3 News Use case (Chris)
         8. [12]4.4 Photo Use case: (Susanne Boll, Erik)
         9. [13]4.5 Tagging Use case: (George, Thomas, Raphael)
        10. [14]4.6 Algorithm representation Use case: (Massimo,
            Suzanne, Patrizia,
        11. [15]4.7 Semantic Multimedia Retrieval Use case: (Ioannis)
        12. [16]5. MPEG-7 Deliverable
        13. [17]6. Future of the Multimedia Semantics XG
        14. [18]7. AOB
     * [19]Summary of Action Items

W3C Multimedia Semantics XG - Telecon 01-03-2007, 17:00 UTC

   <raphael> vassilis, are you joining on the phone?

   <raphael> Scribe: Zeljko

   <raphael> Scribenixk: zeljko

   <raphael> Scribenick: zeljko


   PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 15th February 2007 telecon:


     [20] http://www.w3.org/2007/02/15-mmsem-minutes.html

   RESOLUTION: Minutes accepted


   <scribe> ACTION: Michael to maintain the Vocabularies page [PENDING]
   [recorded in

   <raphael> ACTION: Zeljko to maintain the Resources/Tools page
   [PENDING] [recorded in

   <raphael> ACTION: Michael to prepare a stable TR Voc page for review
   by next telecon [DONE] [recorded in

   <vassilis> zakim IPcaller is vassilis

   <raphael> ACTION: Jeff and Raphael to give feedback on how to
   improve the Tools Page [recorded in

3. Image Annotation on the Semantic Web Deliverable

   <scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Raphael addresses the comments on "Image
   Annotation on the [recorded in

   Semantic Web document" by next telecon change the css style (XG

   change the syntax of the examples (N3) and the graphs (IsaViz)

4.2 Music Use case: (Oscar)

   Oscar: interoperability, links to music ontology. Work on mappings,
   updated Wiki with metadata.
   ... Python Web service for mapping
   ... sorting out problem with proxies and servers to make service

   Raphael: iTunes to RDF converter?
   ... Talk with Ivan Herman about this use case. Problem of current
   poor metadata, music ontology deals with more information

   <vassilis> thnx raphael

   Raphael: Use case to illustrate richness of music ontology

   <raphael> ACTION: Oscar to update the UC and the interop deliverable
   [PENDING] [recorded in

   <raphael> ACTION: Oscar to update a possible scenario with classical
   music (thanks to Ivan Herman) [recorded in

4.4 News Use case

4.3 News Use case (Chris)

   Chris: new telecon to discuss issues

   Raphael: offline interaction

   Chris: wiki page updated with additional information, then feednack
   from the group

4.4 Photo Use case: (Susanne Boll, Erik)

   <raphael> s/OScar/Chris

   <raphael> ACTION: Chris, Thierry and Raphael to update the UC and
   the interop deliverable [PENDING] [recorded in

   <raphael> Susanne: need to investigate DIG35, is it a XML Schema or
   in RDF?

   <raphael> ... it is a XML Schema

   <raphael> ... XMP is a good base, it is in RDF

   Susanne: not sure if RDF is solution

   <raphael> ACTION: Chris, Thierry and Raphael to update the UC and
   the interop [DONE] [recorded in

   Raphael: XMP, RDF but not controlled schema

   <raphael> ACTION: Erik to start a discussion on Photo UC on public
   list [DONE] [recorded in

   Eric: do we be as small as possible or as broad as possible?

   Raphael: generality good idea but to be as much concrete as possible
   for particular use case

   <raphael> ACTION: Susanne to look again in the various systems and
   standards and identify 3-4 standards that together could be the
   solution [DONE] [recorded in

   Eric: five different types of photo data

   Raphael: who is behind this standards, who use them

   Eric: consortium of 20 companies

   Raphael: who produce such metadata?

   <suzmax> [32]http://www.i3a.org/i_dig35.html

     [32] http://www.i3a.org/i_dig35.html

   Raphael: worth to make convertion to RDF if these standards are used

   <vassilis> zakim. unmute me

   Vassilis: what is the current format of this standard

   Susanne: XML Schema

   <raphael> ACTION: Erik to do the conversion from DIG35 to OWL/RDF
   [recorded in

   Susanne: discussion about further steps in this use case

   Raphael: integrations of various vocabularies
   ... give examples of these problems in the use case

   <suzmax> [34]http://www.i3a.org/pdf/resource_order_form.pdf

     [34] http://www.i3a.org/pdf/resource_order_form.pdf

   <raphael> PB: DIG35 is not free!

   Raphael: licencing problems of convertion

   <raphael> ACTION: Erik to contact DIG35 to see any licensing
   problems if we do some conversions [recorded in

4.5 Tagging Use case: (George, Thomas, Raphael)

   Thomas: nothing new to report
   ... wiki page and description quite OK
   ... started software development project, but it will procede

4.6 Algorithm representation Use case: (Massimo, Suzanne, Patrizia,


   <scribe> ACTION: Jeff and Vassilis to review algorithm
   representation UC till [recorded in

   next AC [PENDING}

   <scribe> ACTION: Vassilis to contact Massimo to ask for next steps
   [PENDING] [recorded in

   Vassilis: sending review tomorrow

4.7 Semantic Multimedia Retrieval Use case: (Ioannis)

   Ioannis: collaborative outcame

   <scribe> New name: semantic media analysis for information retrieval

   Ioannis: multimodality case: example about audio-visual combination
   about violence
   ... question - combination of usecases
   ... better to keep it as it is now

   <raphael> ... algorithm and semantic multimedia retrieval are

   Ioannis: good to have a review

   <raphael> ACTION: Susanne Little to review the Multimedia Retrieval
   use case by 08/03/2007 [recorded in

   <raphael> ACTION: Vassilis to review the Multimedia Retrieval use
   case by 08/03/2007 [recorded in

5. MPEG-7 Deliverable

   <raphael> 4.7 Semantic Multimedia Retrieval Use case: [DONE]

   <raphael> ACTION: Raphael to enable CVS account for Oscar [DONE]
   [recorded in

   <raphael> ACTION: Raphael to enable CVS account for Suzanne Little
   [DONE] [recorded in

   <raphael> ACTION: To invite Chrisa as invited expert [DONE]
   [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Oscar, Stamatia, Raphael, Suzanne, Chrisa, Michael
   to have [recorded in

   MPEG-7 deliverable ready for review by next telecon [PENDING]

   Raphael: comparison, and harmonization od descriptions

   <raphael> ACTION: Oscar, Stamatia, Raphael, Suzanne, Chrisa, Michael
   to have MPEG-7 deliverable ready for review by next telecon
   [PENDING] [recorded in

6. Future of the Multimedia Semantics XG

   Raphael: discussed in last telecon, meeting with Ivan Herman today
   ... W3C has problems with task members
   ... increase number of working groups, stop to make working groups
   ... working groups tend to think that best practices working groups
   are not a good idea
   ... Ivane: another XG good idea

   <raphael> ... IG is also a good idea

   Raphael: another possibility: interested group, much lighter
   charter, do not have to produce documents

   <raphael> ... but it can and the documents are endorsed by W3C

   Vassilis: if we have the change to procede to a working group, it is
   better for getting industrial partners

   <raphael> Vassilis: if we have a chance to proceed to a WG, it would
   be better to have industrial partners

   <raphael> ... even though about the IPP issues

   <raphael> ... since a WG has a much more impact

   <raphael> ... and companies would be more interested

   <raphael> ... they might think they loose their time in an XG

   <raphael> ... and people would be more motivated

   Raphael: do you have in mind some companies: Adobe, Microsoft,
   Joost, HP...

   Susanne: should find to keep interest people in formal or informal

   <raphael> Erik: agrees with Vassilis, better for impact to be in a

   Erik: the more impact we can have, the more we can ensure more staff

7. AOB

   Raphael: XG will be closed in two months, worries about completing
   all the documents

   <suzmax> bye Susanne and Massimo

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Erik to contact DIG35 to see any licensing problems if
   we do some conversions [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Erik to do the conversion from DIG35 to OWL/RDF
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Jeff and Raphael to give feedback on how to improve
   the Tools Page [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Jeff and Vassilis to review algorithm representation
   UC till [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Oscar to update a possible scenario with classical
   music (thanks to Ivan Herman) [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Oscar, Stamatia, Raphael, Suzanne, Chrisa, Michael to
   have [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Susanne Little to review the Multimedia Retrieval use
   case by 08/03/2007 [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Vassilis to review the Multimedia Retrieval use case
   by 08/03/2007 [recorded in

   [PENDING] ACTION: Chris, Thierry and Raphael to update the UC and
   the interop deliverable [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Michael to maintain the Vocabularies page
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Oscar to update the UC and the interop deliverable
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Oscar, Stamatia, Raphael, Suzanne, Chrisa, Michael
   to have MPEG-7 deliverable ready for review by next telecon
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Raphael addresses the comments on "Image
   Annotation on the [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Vassilis to contact Massimo to ask for next steps
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Zeljko to maintain the Resources/Tools page
   [recorded in

   [DONE] ACTION: Chris, Thierry and Raphael to update the UC and the
   interop [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Erik to start a discussion on Photo UC on public list
   [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Michael to prepare a stable TR Voc page for review by
   next telecon [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Raphael to enable CVS account for Oscar [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Raphael to enable CVS account for Suzanne Little
   [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Susanne to look again in the various systems and
   standards and identify 3-4 standards that together could be the
   solution [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: To invite Chrisa as invited expert [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312
Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~troncy/

Received on Monday, 5 March 2007 10:10:35 UTC