CFP: Special Issue of Multimedia Systems Journal on Canonical Processes of Media Production

Dear Members,

As announced in today's teleconference, please find enclosed a call for 
papers for a special issue of Multimedia Systems Journal on Canonical 
Processes of Media Production.  We would very much appreciate a 
contribution from you for this special issue based on your work in the 
MMSEM XG group.

If you think this would be appropriate, please distribute the call to 
your colleagues.

Zeljko Obrenovic


Call for papers for Special Issue of Multimedia Systems Journal on
Canonical Processes of Media Production.

There is substantial support within the multimedia research community
for the collection of machine-processable semantics during established
media workflow practices. An essential aspect of these approaches is
that a media asset gains value by the explicit association of related
metadata.  For example, metadata captured from a video camera, such as
pan and zoom information, can be later used for the support of the
editing process.  In addition, a media asset can later be processed by
feature analysis tools to produce further metadata, e.g. automatic
object recognition, useful for search and retrieval.  At some further
stage, the media asset can be included in a presentation to an end
user.  Again, it is useful to retain the metadata related to the
context of usage of the media asset.

While non-textual media can be exchanged between applications with
little effort, we are not yet able to exchange these along with the
related semantics in standard ways. Each application or system
provides an implicit model for exchanging information that serves the
functionality and process flow addressed by a particular environment
or community. The situation is illustrated by the case of data formats
with included metadata, such as the mov or XMP formats, where the
combination of features hinders general exchange when the application
does not support the features supported by the data format.

Our aim here is to establish clear interfaces for the information flow
across processes among distinct production phases so that
compatibility across systems from different providers can be
achieved. We see this as a first step towards a longer term goal -
namely, to provide agreed-upon descriptions for exchanging
semantically annotated media assets among applications.  We seek
original contributions from the different communities that contribute
to "multimedia", including feature analysis, content production,
multimedia semantics and knowledge representation.

The work was initiated in a workgroup on
"Multimedia for Human Communication" at a Dagstuhl seminar 05091
and then a follow-up workshop at ACM Multimedia on
"Multimedia for Human Communication - From Capture to Convey".

The special issue will be based around a core article
"Canonical Processes of Media Production", available from
We envisage that this will develop through the process of creating the
special issue, and welcome comments and criticisms on the current

In addition, the special issue will contain example papers, containing
detailed descriptions of the process flow of data and metadata in
(existing) applications in terms of the core model.  We supply two
example papers to act as inspiration for potential authors
(also available

Submission Guidelines and Important Dates:

Submitting authors should follow the Author Guidelines available from
However, manuscripts should be submitted to
Zeljko Obrenovic <>

Also note that, given the unusual character of the special issue, the
page length of the contributions is expected to be around 5-8 pages
(two column, single spaced, ACM/IEEE format).  Initial submissions
need not be in this format but should not exceed 6000 words.

Submissions Due:                30 April 2007
Acceptance notification:        30 September 2007
Update of the model based on
submitted papers and discussion
with the authors                31 Oct 2007
Final Manuscripts Due           30 Nov 2007
Publication Date                Beginning 2008

Special Issue Editors:
    Lynda Hardman (CWI, TU/e),
    Frank Nack (LIRIS - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CWI),
    Zeljko Obrenovic (CWI),


Zeljko Obrenovic
CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2007 18:06:16 UTC