Re: [MMSEM] Agenda 18 Janaury Telecon 1700 UTC

Regrets - will be travelling.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Raphaël Troncy" <>
To: "MMSem-XG Public List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: [MMSEM] Agenda 18 Janaury Telecon 1700 UTC

> ---------------------------
> AGENDA Teleconference
> W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group
> 18 January 2006, 1600 UTC
>                0900 (West US)
>                1200 (East US)
>                1700 (London)
>                1800 (Amsterdam, Berlin)
>                1900 (Athens)
> Duration: 60 min
> Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 (USA), + (France),
> +44.117.370.6152 (UK), conference code 66736# ('MMSEM')
> IRC Chat: (port 6665), #mmsem
> Web-based IRC (member-only):
> Chair: Raphael
> Scribe: tbd (pls volunteer)
> Please note that MMSEM XG telecons are for attendance by members and
> invited experts only.
> 1. ADMIN (5')
> Roll call
> Regrets: Jeff
> PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the Athens F2F meeting:
> PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 11 January 2007 telecon:
> Next telecon: 1st February 2007
>  ACTION: chairs to give hints how it could be possible to join the
> telecon for free [recorded in
> There are now 3 phone numbers in the agenda. It is possible to phone for
> free from your computer using for example VoipBuster, or for very cheap
> using for example a Skype out account.
> 2. LINKS Pages (10')
> Status Update:
>   ACTION: Pasquale to maintain the Resources page
> See:
>   ACTION: Michael to maintain the Vocabularies page
> See:
>   ACTION: Zeljko to maintain the Tools page
> See:
> 3. Image Annotation on the Semantic Web Deliverable (5')
>   ACTION: Raphael addresses the comments on "Image Annotation on the
> Semantic Web document" by next telecon change the css style (XG report)
> change the syntax of the examples (N3) and the graphs (IsaViz) [recorded
> in]
> 4. Interoperability Deliverable (30')
>  ACTION: Michael to make testing how to transfert the wiki page into an
> XG report template [recorded in
>  DONE:
>  4.1 Structure (Vassilis)
>  ACTION: Vassilis and Jeff to start the Common Framework [recorded in
>  ACTION: Vassilis update the structure of the deliverable and fill it
> in a XG report template, HTML document in
> our W3C space [recorded in
>  ACTION: Vassilis responsible that each author of each use case to fill
> the summary of their interoperability problems [recorded in
> 4.2 Music Use case: (Oscar)
>  ACTION: Paola to provide a possible B2B scenario [recorded in
>  ACTION: Oscar and Jacco to provide a first implementation of the use
> case [recorded in
> 4.3 News Use case: (Thierry, Chris, Raphael)
>  ACTION: Raphael, Therry, and Chris to sync UC Wiki description with
> their new focus (financial domain) [recorded
> in]
> 4.4 Photo Use case: (Susanne Boll)
>  ACTION: Susanne to look again in the various systems and standards and
> identify 3-4 standards that together could be the solution [recorded in
> 4.5 Tagging Use case: (George, Thomas, Raphael)
>  No update
> 4.6 Algorithm representation Use case: (Massimo, Suzanne, Patrizia,
> Ovidio)
>  ACTION: Sophia to find and send a documentation about an application
> toolbox where the user can select some algorithm to do feature
> extraction on music [recorded in
>  ACTION: Suzanne, Massimo to further exemplify and sketch the solution:
> what will be needed to model in the
> ontology, and how it would be used [recorded in
> 4.7 Semantic Multimedia Retrieval Use case: (Ioannis)
> 5. MPEG-7 Deliverable (10')
>  ACTION: Vassilis, Raphael, Oscar, Michael, Stamatia to set up a new
> Deliverable [recorded in
>  DONE:
> 6. AOB
>  WWW'07 Panel proposal submitted
>  Announcement: CFP Special Issue of Multimedia Systems Journal on
> Canonical Processes of Media Production
> --
> Raphaël Troncy
> CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
> Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> e-mail: &
> Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
> Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312
> Web:

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2007 14:20:00 UTC