- From: Suzanne Little <Suzanne.Little@isti.cnr.it>
- Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 18:32:17 +0100
- To: dasiop@iti.gr, tzouvaras@image.ntua.gr, michael.hausenblas@joanneum.at, public-xg-mmsem@w3.org
Dear all, Please find below my comments on the MPEG-7 metadata interoperability use case as per action 12 from the last teleconference. Regards, Suzanne ------------------------------- Review of Use Case: MPEG-7 metadata interoperability from W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group (using version last edited 2006-10-26 10:12:15 by RaphaelTroncy) Overall, I think it's a good use case: relevant to the XG and well-expressed. I'll be interested to read the solutions that are yet to be fully described in section 3. 1. Introduction: A minor typographical comment about the first point -- the captions underneath the example fragments in the introduction section were a bit confusing. Initially I thought they were headings. Perhaps some adjustment of the layout could clear that up -- caption inside the border, smaller text? The second point is interesting but I'm not sure if I've understood correctly. :-) What I think you're saying is: Desired behaviour: The query "Images that depict Zidane" should return not only images that are directly described but also images that have segments (StillRegion) that are described as depicting Zidane. I assume that you want such a query to return the containing images and not the segments. Problem: Because MPEG-7 doesn't formally define decomposition relationships, you can't write a (single? simple? distributed?) semantic query that retrieves images (not segments) in both of these cases. The overall question is: Does this problem (that MPEG-7 doesn't formally define decomposition relationships) restrict the interoperability of multimedia descriptions that use MPEG-7? I think you address this partially in section 2.1 when you mention that the MPEG-7 ontology and the upper ontology provides these relationships and therefore enables this type of query. So a related question is: if different MPEG-7 or multimedia ontologies record these relationships in different ways (e.g., subClass vs. partOf) then does this restrict interoperability? I agree with Raphael's comment in principle although I'm not sure if everything in MPEG-7 is a segment. Bearing in mind that my understanding is highly influenced by Jane's ontology which is what I've had the most exposure to: StillRegion is a subClass of both Segment and Image which are both subClasses of MultimediaContent. This provides a formal relationship for decomposition based on the class hierarchy. I don't know how other MPEG-7 ontologies have addressed this. Some thoughts: In Jane's MPEG-7 ontology the subClass relationship is used to imply the decomposition relationships. However, when the ABC model is used as an upper ontology mpeg7:MultimediaContent is a subClass of abc:Manifestation which has the properties abc:partof/abc:contains abc:Entity. This could be used to make explicit decomposition relationships. E.g., mpeg7:StillRegion abc:partof mpeg7:Image; mpeg7:Image abc:contains mpeg7:StillRegion etc. Using the upper ontology to provide the decomposition relationship could make the modelling more interoperable if different multimedia ontologies are used? 2. Existing MPEG-7 Ontologies 2.1 Using the MPEG-7/ABC Ontology I like the way you've expressed the integration of MPEG-7, ABC and the soccer ontology. I think it's a nice simple example that shows some of the advantages. It might be worth adding a couple of references (see References at the end). One point that isn't made explicitly is how the use of an upper ontology to relate the domain ontology to the media ontology promotes interoperability. For example, say I also have a collection of football media which I have annotated in a similar way but using my sports ontology since, as an Australian, I follow 4 codes of football. You would be able to construct a query (e.g., mpeg7:Image depicts abc:Event and abc:Event abc:hasAction abc:Action and abc:Action abc:hasParticipant "Zidane") that would operate successfully over both our collections regardless of the specific annotation we've used. It's not perfect (e.g., if I had images of a Rugby player scoring who is called "Zidane" they would also be returned or I wanted to make a query such as "show me all soccer images" since I need to explicitly relate the concepts from the domain ontologies) but it does enable some distributed querying and provides an integration framework for domain ontologies. I think this is probably the key advantage of this type of approach as compared with using an MPEG-7 ontology as a core ontology (as described in 2.2). 2.2 Using the MPEG-7/Tsinaraki Ontology I'm not familiar with this ontology although the approach sounds interesting. Why wouldn't it be possible to map this ontology onto an upper ontology such as ABC and thereby integrate it with the model in 2.1? 3. Possible Solutions I'm interested to see what you propose as solutions particularly for your first point. How to map between the chosen syntactic structure and the semantics in the ontology is an important question. It's hard to comment specifically without more detail. I'm particularly curious about the first proposed solution. Do you have some examples? Are you referring to Jane's work integrating CIDOC/DC/MPEG7/ABC etc? What kinds of relationships other than the equality and subClass/Property provided by OWL will be required? Some references http://metadata.net/mpeg7/ - the latest mpeg7.owl plus links to some relevant publications http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v02/i02/Lagoze/ - C. Lagoze, J. Hunter, "The ABC Ontology and Model (v3.0)", Journal of Digital Information, Vol 2 , Issue 2, November 2001 http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~jane/jane-hunter/events/final_paper.pdf - J. Hunter, "Enhancing the Semantic Interoperability of Multimedia through a Core Ontology", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Special Issue on Conceptual and Dynamical Aspects of Multimedia Content Description, Feb 2003
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