- From: Raphaël Troncy <Raphael.Troncy@cwi.nl>
- Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 10:32:39 +0200
- To: MMSem public <public-xg-mmsem@w3.org>
- CC: "Jeff Z. Pan" <jpan@csd.abdn.ac.uk>
Dear members of the MMSEM XG, Jeff and me will have the great pleasure to chair the W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group. The MMSEM XG will have a face-to-face kick-off meeting during the forthcoming WWW conference (http://www2006.org/) next week in Edinburgh. We will announce more news about that soon. For now, we would like that each member of the MMSEM XG introduce himself, stating what is his background and his interest in this group. I am Raphaël Troncy and I'm working with the "Semantic Media Interefaces" team of the CWI, the Dutch national research center on computer science and mathematics, Amsterdam. I have a background in document engineering and Semantic Web and I have tried to reconcile these two worlds for describing and retrieving audio-visual content during my PhD Thesis. I'm one of the editor of the "Image Annotation on the Semantic Web" note [1] produced by the "Multimedia and Semantic Web" task force [2] of the SWVBD group [3]. And since we should all in this group produce many RDF data for annotating multimedia material, I'm better to start. <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://homepages.cwi.nl/~troncy/raphael.jpg"/> <dc:title>Raphael Troncy Portrait</dc:title> <foaf:based_near> <geo:Point> <geo:lat>52.356554</geo:lat> <geo:long>4.953809</geo:long> </geo:Point> </foaf:based_near> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> Sincerely. Jeff Z. Pan and Raphaël Troncy [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/MM/image_annotation.html [2] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/MM/ [3] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/ -- Raphaël Troncy CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093 Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312 Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~troncy/
Received on Tuesday, 16 May 2006 08:32:53 UTC