Re: FTF2 Draft Agenda

Dear Jeff and Vassilis,

I would add the following amendment: we will discuss the "Algorithm Use Case" on
Saturday morning when Suzanne Little from ISTI will join us.

Vassilis, could you already provide with the details of:
    - Which building/room have you exactly booked on Saturday within the NTUA
campus ?
    - The restaurant for the XG dinner on Friday evening ?

Best regards.


"Jeff Z. Pan" a écrit :

> [Please register if you haven't done so:
> ===================================================
> = Draft Agenda of the MMSEM Amsterdam F2F Meeting =
> ===================================================
> The second face to face meeting of the Multimedia Semantics XG will be
> held in Athens, Dec 8-9, 2006.
> Practical Details:
> ------------------
>   - Contact Person: Vassilis Tzouvaras <>, Tel: +30
> 210 772 3039
>   - The Friday meeting will be held in Divani Palace Acropolis;
>   - The Saturday meeting will be held in NTUA;
>   - Wi-Fi connection to the broadband backbone will be available on Saturday.
>   - The power supply is standard continental european &#8211; 230 V
>   - For more information about Athens:
> Social Event:
> -------------
> There will be a joint dinner, kindly offered by NTUA.
> W3C Communication Channels:
> ---------------------------
> Dec 8-9, 2006
> 09:00-18:30 Athens local time
> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 66736 ("MMSEM")
> IRC: #mmsem on (port 6665)
> Agenda:
> -------
> Friday, Dec 8th
> 14:00 -14:15 Welcome, Objectives and organisation of the meeting.
>     - W3C process 101 and MMSEM: XG, WG and the bridge between them
>     - The Semantic Interoperability (SI) report is the key to our bridge
>     - We use bottom-up approach in the SI report
>     - Need to identify use cases that could contribute to SI
> 14:15 - 18:00 Use Case and Interoperability (Coffee break: 16:15-16:30)
>     - Each use case has maximally 30 minutes
>     - Presentation should focus on: (1) interoperability problem, (2)
> solution, (3) a concrete example to show both.
>     - Briefly mention some other important
>     - Presentation list:
>         1. Music UC (Giovanni Tummarello?, Oscar Celma)
>         2. News UC (Raphaël Troncy)
>         3. MPEG-7 UC (Vassilis Tzouvaras, Michael Hausenblas, Stamatia
> Dasiopoulou)
>         4. Photo UC (Susanne Boll)
>         5. Semantic Media Retrieval UC (Ioannis Pratikakis)
>         6. Semantics from Multimedia Authoring UC (Susanne Boll)
>         7. Tagging UC (Raphaël Troncy, Susanne Boll, Thomas Franz)
> 18:00 - 18:30 Discussion: Use Case and Interoperability
>    - To identify the use cases which we don't know any solutions for the
> interoperability issue
>    - To identify the use cases which we already know some solutions for
> the interoperability issue
>    - To identify the use cases in between
> 20:00: Dinner
> Saturday, Dec 9
> 9:00 - 9:45 Break-out sessions: working out the Common Framework from use
> cases
>     - We will break into 2 sub-groups
>     - Each sub-group covers some use cases
> 9:30 - 10:15 Debrief the break-out sessions
> 10:15 - 11:00 Break-out sessions: Common Framework and Existing Standards,
> Tools and Vocabularies
>     - We will break into 2 sub-groups
>     - Each sub-group covers some use cases
> 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
> 9:30 - 10:15 Debrief the break-out sessions
> 12:15 - 13:00 Other deliverables
>     - Image Annotation (Raphaël Troncy)
>     - Vocabulary (Michael Hausenblas)
>     - Tools and resources (Michael Hausenblas, Raphaël Troncy)
> 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
> 14:00 - 14:45 Break-out sessions: Common Framework and Implementations
>     - We will break into 2 sub-groups
>     - Each sub-group covers some use cases
> 14:45 - 15:30 Debrief the break-out sessions
> 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
> 16:00 - 17:30 Future Plan
>    - Decision on declaring intention to move to Rec Track
>    - Plan of future versions of the SI report and other reports
>    - FTF3 and possible workshop on asking for feedbacks of our XG reports
> 17:30 Close

Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: &
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312

Received on Sunday, 3 December 2006 20:10:55 UTC