Re: Agenda 31 August Telecon 1600 UTC

Hi Raphaël,
I'll be able to connect by IRC only ;-(


~ pasquale

Il giorno 31/ago/06, alle ore 08:27, Raphaël Troncy ha scritto:

> Dear MMSemers,
> Please find below the agenda for the Today Teleconference of the
> Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group. Sorry for this late notification
> after the summer break.
> It is expected that each participant of the various use cases  
> report on
> their activity and their working plan. For the ones that are not yet
> tracked in one or more use cases, it is expected that they state their
> interest in an existing use case or propose a new one.
>> From now, ALL should have her/his web page (preferably in RDF) on the
> WIKI. If you have any access or technical problems for editing the
> pages, please report it to me and Jeff today and prior to the
> teleconference.
> In the same way, ALL use cases should be on the WIKI pages.
> Best regards.
> 	Raphaël
> -----------------------------------------
> AGENDA Teleconference
> W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group
> 31 August 2006, 1600 UTC
>                 0900 (West US)
>                 1200 (East US)
>                 1700 (London)
>                 1800 (Amsterdam, Berlin)
>                 1900 (Athens)
> Duration: 60 min
> Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 conference code 66736# ('MMSEM')
> IRC Chat: (port 6665), #mmsem
> Web-based IRC (member-only):
> Chair: Jeff Z. Pan / Raphaël Troncy
> Scribe: tbd (pls volunteer)
> Please note that MMSEM XG telecons are for attendance by members and
> invited experts only.

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:49:33 UTC